Education Abroad Program (EAP)
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Programs Abroad Office in the International
Center (corner of Gilman Drive and Library Walk)
(858) 534-1123
Administered by the University of California, the Education Abroad Program (EAP) has established study abroad programs in Argentina, Australia, Barbados, Botswana, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Costa Rica, Denmark, Egypt, France, Germany, Ghana, Hong Kong (S.A.R.), India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Korea, Mexico, the Netherlands, New Zealand, the Philippines, Russia, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Taiwan, Tanzania, Thailand, Turkey, the United Kingdom, and Vietnam. EAP offers full-year and short-term programs in a wide range of academic disciplines. Please see the EAP website ( for the most up-to-date information about all aspects of the program. Students may use the EAP Program Search ( to search for programs by country, specific areas of study, language of instruction, etc. EAP participants are eligible for financial aid and many scholarships.
The Education Abroad Program offers undergraduate (sophomores, juniors, and seniors) and graduate students opportunities to integrate into the academic and social life of select foreign universities while continuing to work in major fields of study or otherwise fulfilling UC requirements. EAP provides students access to distinguished academic programs that complement those of the UC campuses and where students can make normal progress toward their degrees at a cost as close as possible to that of education on a UC campus. EAP helps students acquire the knowledge, sensitivities, and skills necessary to function confidently and compete successfully in our global environment.
The program stimulates the intellectual development of the participants, broadening their general education, and giving a new depth to their particular academic interests. Many gain fluency in a language other than their own, and all grow in their ability to engage in independent study. Perhaps most valuable of all are increased self-understanding, clarified life purpose, and a broadening and deepening of personal values.
The University of California also hosts reciprocity students from more than one hundred institutions in approximately thirty countries. Reciprocal exchange students attend the University of California for up to one academic year on a no-fee-exchange, nondegree basis. Reciprocal exchange students earn degrees at their home university though they are enrolled at UC San Diego during a portion of their academic studies. Undergraduate and graduate reciprocity students are nominated by partner institutions under the provisions of specific contractual agreements.
The Academic Program
The Education Abroad Program places students at the finest universities abroad. In most cases students take courses side by side with local students in a wide range of academic fields. In some programs EAP students pursue language study and take special courses designed for foreign students. In others, they pursue specialized studies in their major, take courses to add breadth to their general education, concentrate on language or area studies, participate in internships, and conduct research.
Each student is concurrently enrolled on the home campus of the University of California and at the host university. With advance planning and careful selection of courses abroad, most students can make normal progress toward completion of major, minor, and/or general-education requirements for their UC San Diego degree.
Academic Planning and Advising
In order to make normal progress toward graduation, students should counsel in advance with departmental advisers and an academic adviser in their college provost’s office in order to ascertain how participation will affect their academic program. Descriptions of individual courses currently approved for UC credit may be found on the EAP website ( Many of the same or similar courses will be available in future years, but students should plan programs that are sufficiently flexible to allow them to take alternate courses. Each year new courses taken by UC students are added to a particular program’s approved offerings. Although courses approved by the University of California carry full credit, each department retains the right to determine the extent to which it will accept specific courses to fulfill requirements for its own majors.
In order to facilitate the academic work of the students, University of California professors serve as directors and associate directors of many study centers. They work with their counterparts in the host university in developing the academic program and advise students on their course work. In addition, the directors are responsible for all aspects of student welfare and conduct.
Cost, Financial Aid, and Scholarships
The UC Regents endeavor to bring the program within the reach of all students, regardless of their financial resources. The cost of studying abroad is often comparable to the cost of studying on a UC campus. Additional program costs may include a program fee, round-trip transportation, on-site orientation, and personal expenses beyond what normally would be spent at home. Programs in some countries may actually cost less than a comparable period of study at a UC campus.
Many forms of financial assistance are available to EAP students. Those already receiving UC financial aid maintain their eligibility for grants, loans, and scholarships while studying on EAP. Financial aid is based on the cost of studying at each EAP location and on individual need. Students who might not normally be eligible for financial aid may qualify for the period they are on EAP. In addition to UC financial aid, scholarships are also available from EAP, the Friends of the International Center, various campus offices and departments, and outside organizations. Annually, UC San Diego students access about $500,000 in special scholarships available only for study abroad. Information about these scholarships is available in the Programs Abroad Office and on the UC San Diego Financial Aid website (
Prospective participants who require financial assistance should counsel early with the Student Financial Services Office.
It is not too early to begin planning for an experience abroad prior to or during one’s freshman year. Students are then able to take the language classes needed for certain programs, as well as plan which degree requirements to fulfill at UC San Diego and which to take abroad. Early planning also allows students to apply for the many programs now open to sophomores. Students must attend a First Steps workshop prior to meeting with an adviser in the Programs Abroad Office. These workshops provide detailed information about the various program offerings, academics, and funding and they are held throughout the year. General group information sessions about the programs are held during Welcome Week and in October and January.
Students receive access to Education Abroad Program online application instructions following group or individual advising at the Programs Abroad Office. Information on deadlines and related matters such as course offerings, selection, schedules of departures, and payment of fees may be obtained from the Programs Abroad Office, and online at and
Undergraduate selection is generally open to students with the following qualifications: 2.85/3.0 cumulative grade point average at the time of application, depending on the program (some programs are available to students with at least a 2.0 GPA); at least sophomore or junior standing by time of departure, depending on the specific program; support of the UC San Diego EAP Selection Committee; and completion of university-level language courses when required (one, two, or three years, depending on the host institution) with a 3.0 grade point average in language. Exceptions to these requirements may be made on a case-by-case basis, in consultation with the EAP adviser.
In addition to academic criteria for selection, the faculty committee looks for indications of the student’s seriousness of purpose, maturity, and capacity to adapt to the experience of study abroad. As part of the planning process, students are required to consult with their college academic and department advisers.
Graduate Students
Graduate students can be accommodated at most EAP-affiliated host universities. Graduate students may take courses, conduct research, and participate in short-term language programs for a semester or year. Students must meet minimum EAP requirements, including language prerequisites; have completed at least one year of graduate work; and have the support of their academic department and graduate dean.
Transfer Students
Transfer students from other colleges and universities are eligible to participate in EAP. Applications may be submitted prior to their first quarter at UC San Diego if appropriate for the specific program. Please contact the Programs Abroad Office for further information.
Safety, Student Conduct, and Parental Approval
The Education Abroad Program considers student health and safety while abroad one of its top priorities. All participants in EAP are covered by a mandatory health insurance policy while abroad. While no one can guarantee student security either in the U.S. or abroad, the program makes every reasonable effort to assure a safe environment in its programs abroad, and to counsel students on potential risks and necessary precautions. In return, participants have a responsibility to pay careful attention to safety and health information provided in predeparture materials and at orientations in the U.S. and abroad.
It is anticipated that the students selected for the Education Abroad Program will be of high caliber, committed to profiting from both the intellectual and social aspects of the experience. Since they will be guests in another country and at another university, their conduct will reflect on both the University of California and the United States.
Participation in the program by students who are minors must be approved by their parents or guardians. In approving such participation, parents and guardians should be aware that a greater degree of personal freedom is afforded to students in the foreign university and that the University of California cannot take responsibility for closely supervising the activities of individual students. The directors and staff in the host country will be available to students with problems and will maintain contact with the student group as a whole. The university provides comprehensive medical and hospitalization coverage for all participants.
Related Programs
For other study abroad opportunities, see “Opportunities Abroad Program (OAP)” and “UC San Diego Global Seminars (GS).”