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The Arts LibrariesArt and Architecture Library West Wing, Geisel Library The Art and Architecture Library's collections support the study of the visual arts and architecture and includes 83,338 volumes, 255,672 slides, and 450,000 digital images available through ARTstor. Collection strengths include art history, performance and environmental art, photography, painting, sculpture, digital art, and architectural design, theory, and history, urban design, and landscape architecture. The Visual Reserves collections (slides and digital images) provide visual materials for on-campus instructional purposes. Film and Video Library West Wing, Geisel Library The Film and Video Library collection includes over 11,539 DVDs, videos, film prints, and laser discs. Collection strengths include feature films, documentaries, experimental film, and the Factual Film archive. Moving image materials on course reserve are available at the Film and Video Reserves service point. Music Library West Wing, Geisel Library The Music Library’s collections include 29,679 volumes, 50,781 scores, and 88,016 recordings (music and spoken word) on CD, tape, LP, and CD-ROM. Collection strengths include materials supporting the study of twentieth- and twenty-first century music and music theory. Digital Audio Reserves (DAR) provides access to course reserve materials, and the Database of Recorded American Music (DRAM) contains 7,500 digital sound files. Biomedical Library and Medical Center LibraryLibrary Walk at Osler Drive The services and collections of the Biomedical Library and its branch Medical Center Library support the teaching, research, and patient care programs of the UCSD School of Medicine, the Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, the Division of Biological Sciences, and UCSD Healthcare. The Libraries combined collection of over 239,000 volumes and access to more than 4,000 current serials, over 3,000 in electronic form, provides in-depth access to the biomedical literature for UCSD students, faculty, and clinicians. The Medical Center Library is located in Hillcrest at the UCSD Medical Center, mail code 8828, (619) 543-6520.
CLICS (Center for Library & Instructional Computing Services) Galbraith Hall CLICS has a twofold purpose. It gives students access to a wide range of online scholarly and reference sources along with software applications (e.g., Matlab, Eudora, Web browsers) and its staff teach approximately 4,000 students per year how to do research to complete their course assignments. It is a place for students from all of the colleges to mingle and collaborate on group assignments. There are 182 computers and 11 group study rooms distributed on two floors in a general purpose computer lab setting, available to all enrolled UCSD students. Collections include reference, computer manuals, popular reading, and magazines. CLICS is open twenty-four hours, seven days a week during exam week. International Relations and Pacific Studies Library Robinson Complex, Bldg. 3 The IR/PS Library features materials on contemporary political, economic, and business affairs in East Asia, Latin America, and the rest of the Pacific Basin region (123,101 volumes, 132,338 microfiches). The Mandeville Special Collections library West Wing, Geisel Library The Mandeville Special Collections Library houses rare books, manuscripts, archives, original art, and other primary materials (250,000 books, 32 million manuscripts) which support specialized UCSD research and instructional programs. Areas of strength include experimental American poetry, the Spanish Civil War, Baja California, early voyages of exploration to the Pacific, twentieth-century science, Melanesian anthropology, California history, Dr. Seuss, and the history of UCSD. Students are encouraged to use the collections for their academic endeavors. Science and Engineering Library (S&E) East Wing, Geisel Library S&E Library print collections and online resources cover astronomy, chemistry, computer science engineering, mathematics, and physics to support research needs of UCSD students, faculty, and staff. Reference, interlibrary loan services, group study rooms, computers and wireless Internet access are available. S&E provides course reserve materials for upper-division undergraduate and graduate courses in the physical sciences and engineering. S&E librarians have expertise in finding numeric property data, standards, patents, and other science and technology information. Scripps Institution of Oceanography LibraryMail code 0219 Scripps Institution of Oceanography Library is one of the largest marine science libraries in the world. It has outstanding collections in marine biology, oceanography, climatology, and marine technology, and also specializes in geology, geophysics, and zoology. social sciences and humanities libraryGeisel Library The Social Sciences and Humanities Library (SSHL) provides services and collections to support the teaching and research of students and faculty in the social sciences and humanities disciplines. Services and collections are designed for all levels, from first-year students to seasoned scholars. The library provides a complete range of public services including reference and research support, a comprehensive instructional program, and access to collections at UCSD and across the world. Print and electronic course reserves for faculty-assigned course readings are also available. Collections comprise 1.5 million printed volumes, access to local San Diego, California, and U.S. government information, GIS, maps, social science databases, and full-text electronic resources. Student Services and ProgramsVice Chancellor, Student Affairs Building 112 University Center The Office of the Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs is responsible for the overall quality of life at UCSD for undergraduate and graduate students. The office provides coordination and direction to more than two dozen student service departments and works closely with other components of the campus to ensure that programs, services, policies, and procedures foster the development of students and the achievement of their academic and career goals. Career Services Center Located on Library Walk The Career Services Center (CSC) helps students and alumni with virtually any career-related concern and offers a wide range of programs and services throughout the year. Online registration at http://career.ucsd.edu is required to use the center. Exploring Career Options: Career advisers meet one-on-one with students to guide them through the phases of career development. Self-assessment tools, panel presentations, occupational resources, and networking programs are available to help students explore career options and determine career goals. CSC’s Career Information Library features career books, CDs, and videos, as well as computers for accessing career information on the Internet. Internship Resources: All students are encouraged to gain practical work experience through internships. CSC is a one-stop shop for internship resources, information, and opportunities. Services include advising, workshops, internship listings, and the Internship SuperSite at http://career.ucsd.edu. The Internship Resource Library includes internship directories, career-specific internship books, and computer stations to help students find local, regional, and national internships, including the UCDC Program in Washington, D.C. Graduate and Professional School Preparation and Admission: All students considering an advanced degree in any field after graduation from UCSD should visit CSC for advice and information on schools, admission requirements, applications, reference letters, tests, essays, fellowships, and interviews. Advisers assist students interested in any field of professional and graduate education, including medicine, law, business, teaching, and other health fields. Resources include over 2,000 professional and graduate school catalogs, directories, and brochures. Recruiters from across the country attend CSC’s Professional and Graduate School Info Fair and Law School Info Fair each fall. Job/Internship Listings: CSC lists thousands of internships and part-time and full-time job listings year-round, including on-campus and off-campus work-study and non-work-study jobs. To access the listings, you must: 1) be currently enrolled at UCSD; or newly enrolled and have returned the UCSD Statement of Intent to Register; and 2) complete the online registration at http://career.ucsd.edu. Students are required to update their registration each academic year. Job Search Preparation and Networking: Services include job search programs, resume and curriculum vitae critiques, and practice interview workshops. Professional association and networking contacts are available for job search advice and career information. CSC presents a series of networking events each spring to connect students with professionals. Job Fairs and On-Campus Interviewing: CSC presents a Science & Technical Job Fair (fall), Winter Job Fair and Spring Job Fair each year featuring recruiters from a variety of employers. Recruiters also conduct interviews on campus at CSC for career positions and internships. Graduate Student Services: CSC offers special workshops and resources for master’s and Ph.D. students seeking academic or nonacademic careers. Resources include job search handbooks and a UCSD alumni contact list of nearly 700 Ph.D. recipients. Alumni Services: University of California alumni are eligible to use all CSC programs and services. Alumni registration fee required. Online Resources: The CSC Web site features helpful resources and links, in-depth information, and easy-to-print publications for UCSD students and alumni, faculty and staff, parents, and recruiters. Calendar of Events: CSC offers a variety of information sessions, group workshops, and special presentations. A quarterly calendar is available online and at CSC. For more information and building hours, call (858) 534-3750 or go to http://career.ucsd.edu. College Dean of Student Affairs’ Offices Revelle, Mail code 0321, (858) 534-3492 Muir, Mail code 0106, (858) 534-3587 Marshall, Mail code 0509, (858) 534-4390 Warren, Mail code 0422, (858) 534-4731 Roosevelt, Mail code 0546, (858) 534-2237 Sixth College, Mail code 0054, (858) 822-5953 The offices of the college deans of student affairs perform many functions. They provide help, advice, counseling, and referral for students and parents in many areas including commuter, transfer, and residential matters. The deans’ offices develop and coordinate activities such as Orientation, Welcome Week, commencement; leadership and co-curricular learning opportunities; decisions about remaining in or withdrawing from school; college disciplinary matters; involvement in student governments; community service/volunteer opportunities; planning social, educational and cultural activities; assisting students with disabilities; and assisting in hearing procedures regarding grievances. Contact your college dean of student affairs’ office for assistance, particularly if you do not know which university office or resource would best be able to assist you with your problem nor concern. Dining Services Administration: Muir Commons Annex Students, faculty, staff, and members of the public are welcome at all UCSD Dining Services restaurants. Eleven locations serve a variety of high-quality and ethnically diverse food. Each offers a comfortable dining atmosphere with unique menus and convenient hours ranging from 7:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m. Sample menus are online at http://hds.ucsd.edu. UCSD’s college residence program includes housing space and a Dining Plan of 1,800 Dining Dollars per year, which can be used at any Dining Services location. A Non-Resident Dining Plan is also available, offering a convenient, affordable dining option for off-campus students. For more information about Dining Plans, go to http://hds.ucsd.edu/diningplan. TritonPlus, the campus debit account, offers an easy, convenient, and secure way to shop and dine at over forty locations, on and off campus. For more information, go to tritonplus.ucsd.edu. Students use their official UCSD Campus Card to access Dining Dollars and TritonPlus. Additional dining options on campus include six fast-food restaurants and a convenience store located at the Price Center; the Food Co-op and Grove Caffe at the Student Center; and Ché Cafe on Revelle campus. In addition, a limited selection of food may be purchased at portable food carts, convenience stores, and vending machines throughout UCSD. Disabilities, Office for Students with (OSD) 202 University Center The Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) facilitates student independence, self-advocacy, and academic success through access to campus programs, services, and facilities. OSD works with students, academic departments, and the colleges on development of effective planning and adaptation. OSD serves as a liaison to UCSD academic departments, the campus community, and off-campus disability-related agencies. Service coordination may include disability management counseling, note takers, sign language interpreters, real-time captionists, readers, typists, library/laboratory assistants, special equipment loans/minor repair, priority registration/enrollment assistance, on-campus housing coordination, exam accommodations, intra-campus transportation/parking coordination, and referrals. College learning skills seminars (including memory strategies, note-taking, test taking, time management, and study skills) are offered on an individual and small group basis in collaboration with OASIS. In addition, OSD provides disability awareness through maintenance of a resource library of books, periodicals, articles, films, video formats, an online quarterly newsletter, Aware, and in conjunction with CADRE, annual disability awareness events. Students who have been diagnosed as having a disability and have some correlated limitation should consult promptly with a qualified specialist at the Office of Students with Disabilities (OSD), as only students registered with OSD are eligible for accommodation in classes. In order to implement an OSD-approved accommodation for examinations or assignments, students must meet with the course instructor within the first two weeks of the quarter and present a certificate from OSD recommending the appropriate accommodations. If the student’s disability has been certified by OSD, the course instructor should accommodate the student’s needs. Faculty are not responsible for determining what accommodations are appropriate for a particular student. If an instructor is presented with a claim of a disability by a student who has not been certified by OSD, the course instructor should refer the student to OSD and not become personally involved in diagnosing or evaluating the seriousness of the disability. OSD is available to assist instructors in providing accommodation. If for any reason an instructor cannot meet the request, the department chair and OSD should be promptly consulted. The full text of the Policy on Students with Disabilities and steps for Academic Accommodation have been posted to the Academic Senate Web site (as an Appendix to the San Diego Division Regulations), at the following address: http://www-senate.ucsd.edu/apxtoc.html. Ethics and Spirituality, The Center for Building 201 University Center The Center for Ethics and Spirituality promotes dialogue on moral, ethical, spiritual and theological issues, questions, and concerns. Professional staff provides secular consultation, counseling, and education for the campus community. Financial AidAll financial assistance for undergraduate and medical students and need-based aid for graduate students is administered by the Financial Aid Office (FAO). Information relating to graduate student support in the form of fellowships and assistantships is presented in the catalog section entitled “Graduate Studies.” The Financial Aid Office, which also includes the Undergraduate Scholarship Office and the Office of Veterans’ Affairs, is located in University Center 201 and can be contacted at the phone numbers below. Financial Aid Office (858) 534-4480 Our email addresses are: finaid@ucsd.edu, scholarships@ucsd.edu, vao@ucsd.edu (Veterans Benefits). Other information about our services and programs is available on our Web site: http://www.ucsd.edu/finaid. Applications and requests for information should be addressed to the Financial Aid Office, 0013, 9500 Gilman Drive, La Jolla, California 92093-0013. No student should leave the university for financial reasons before exploring all possible avenues of assistance with a Financial Aid Office counselor. All information contained herein is intended to serve as a general guide and is subject to change due to new and revised federal, state, and University of California regulations and procedures. Applying for Financial Aid A student is eligible for financial aid if she nor he:
Students must maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress as a condition for maintaining eligibility for financial aid. For UCSD undergraduate financial aid recipients the standards are thirty-six units (or an average of twelve units per quarter for full-time enrollment) and an overall grade-point average of 2.0 during the current academic year and the following summer (similar unit requirements apply to graduate students who must maintain a 3.0 minimum GPA). Undergraduate students are considered for all financial aid sources up to their fifth year of college attendance (except for Cal Grants) and limited funding up to their sixth year. For graduate student duration requirements and for more detailed information on UCSD’s Satisfactory Academic Progress standards for students enrolled full-time in a degree program, please see our Web site at www.ucsd.edu/finaid. For policy information on approved part-time status students, limited status and extension students, please contact the Financial Aid Office. For evaluation of financial need, all applicants must submit a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or renewal FAFSA and, if requested, copies of the 2005 federal income tax returns, and any other required documents. The FAFSA form should be filed by March 3, 2006, the UCSD priority filing date, with the appropriate processing agency and must indicate the University of California, San Diego (list Federal School Code 001317) to receive a processed copy of the FAFSA. Late applicants will be considered for limited aid. Receiving Financial Aid UC financial aid for students with demonstrated financial need is funded by a combination, or “package”, of gift and self-help aid. Grants and scholarships are awards that do not have to be repaid. Self-help aid may consist of a loan, which does have to be repaid, or a work-study award, earned by working a part-time job while attending school, or a combination of both. UCSD ensures that students in similar circumstances receive similar packages. Grant funds are directed to the most needy students. Students who are nonresidents of California should note that need-based financial aid funds are not sufficient to meet the additional cost of nonresident tuition ($17,304 during 2005–06). The family should be prepared to provide this amount from their own personal resources or educational loan programs. The various types of aid and programs which may be included in need-based packages are listed below: Federal Pell Grant The Federal Pell Grant program is designed to provide financial assistance to undergraduates attending postsecondary educational institutions. Amounts range from $400–$4,050 for 2006–07. University of California Grant Program The University of California Grant Program provides grants to undergraduate and graduate students. Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG) SEOG awards are federally funded and are available only to undergraduates. Awards may range from $100 to $4,000 per academic year. Cal Grants (Undergraduate) Cal Grants are awarded by the California Student Aid Commission to undergraduate California residents. All resident applicants for UCSD aid are required to apply for a Cal Grant. To be considered as a new winner, the FAFSA nor renewal FAFSA and the GPA Verification Form must be postmarked prior to March 3, 2006. Current recipients must file a FAFSA or a renewal FAFSA each year to have their award renewed. Repayable Scholarships/Fellowships for Teaching Credential Students The Cal Grant T is awarded by the California Student Aid Commission to students who have been accepted into the Teaching Credential Program. The Governor’s Teaching Fellowship (GTF) Program is administered by the California State University system. Those wishing to apply need to contact the UCSD Teacher Education Program at (858) 534-1680. Work-Study Federal and state work-study awards are employment programs that provide funds for student employment by the university or by public and private profit/nonprofit organizations. The work-study program provides experience in many fields, including experimental sciences, library work, recreation, computer sciences, peer counseling, and office work. Pay ranges from minimum wage and above. Job listings and referrals are provided through the Career Services Center. Federal Perkins Loans This loan carries a 5 percent interest rate. Students begin paying both the principal and the interest nine months after ceasing to be enrolled at least half-time. Federal Subsidized Stafford Loans The annual maximum allowed during the first year of undergraduate study is $2,625. Sophomores can borrow an annual maximum of $3,500, and the yearly limit for juniors and seniors is $5,500, with an undergraduate cumulative maximum of $23,000. Graduate students may borrow up to $8,500 per academic year with an aggregate sum up to $65,000, including the amount borrowed as an undergraduate. The interest rate for new borrowers is variable, not to exceed 8.25 percent. The 2005–06 rate was 5.3 percent. The federal government pays (subsidizes) the interest on the student’s behalf during in-school (enrolled in six units or more), grace, and authorized deferment periods. Repayment of principal and interest begins six months after the borrower leaves school or ceases to be enrolled as a half-time student. Federal Unsubsidized Stafford Loans Students who do not have financial need eligibility for the maximum Federal Stafford Loan may borrow under this program. The annual maximum and interest rate are the same as the Subsidized Stafford Loan. Independent undergraduates may borrow an additional $4,000–$5,000 annually; graduate students may borrow an additional $10,000 annually. The maximums include amounts borrowed under the Federal Stafford Loan program. Aggregate maximums are $23,000 for dependent undergraduates, $46,000 for independent undergraduates, and $138,500 for graduate students. The interest is not paid on the student’s behalf. Interest begins accruing immediately after disbursement, but payment of principal and interest may be deferred until six months after ceasing to be enrolled for six units or more. The amount borrowed cannot exceed the cost of education minus other financial aid resources (including other need-based loans). Federal PLUS Loans for Parents Parents of dependent undergraduate students are eligible to borrow under this program if they have no adverse credit history and meet program eligibility requirements. The interest rate for this loan is variable, but not to exceed 9 percent. In 2005–06, the interest rate was 6.1 percent. Parents are eligible to borrow up to the cost of education minus other financial aid (including other loans). The first payment is due within sixty days after disbursement by the lender. Triton Registration Installment Plan (TRIP) The UCSD Triton Registration Installment Plan (TRIP), administered by the Student Business Services (SBS), is a monthly payment arrangement and is available for students who desire an alternative method of financing their registration fees on a short-term basis. All students in good financial and academic standing are eligible for the program, except for those students whose financial aid or graduate support will pay their registration fees by the quarterly registration fee due date. A prerequisite to applying for the program is enrollment for the term. The TRIP allows registration fees to be paid in up to three installments each quarter. On a three-month plan, the first payment is required by the quarterly registration due date. The remaining payments are itemized on the student’s next two monthly UCSD Billing Statements. There is a $30 nonrefundable quarterly fee that must be submitted with the application to the Billing Services unit of the Student Business Services Office. This fee is strictly used to offset the costs of the program. For further information, please contact the Billing Services Unit at (858) 534-6806, or online at: http://sbs.ucsd.edu. Short-Term Emergency Loans The limited emergency loan funds, administered by the Financial Aid Office, are loaned in small amounts to help students in critical short-term emergencies, and usually must be repaid within thirty days. There currently is a service charge of $20 per emergency loan, and students must be enrolled in at least six units. Registration fees must be paid prior to applying. Applications and further information are available from the Financial Aid Office. Federal Tax Credits Two federal tax credits may benefit you or your parents, if the grants and scholarships you receive do not fully cover your fees. Both tax credits are tied to the tuition and fees paid for college. The Hope Scholarship Credit (up to $1,500) is available for the first two years of at-least-half-time enrollment in postsecondary education. The Lifetime Learning Credit (up to $1,000 per tax year) is available for postsecondary enrollment at any level. To find out more about these tax credits, consult your tax adviser or visit the U.S. Dept. of Education Web site www.ed.gov/inits/hope/ and the “Where Do You Want To Go” section on StudentLink. Graduate Financial Assistance See catalog section titled “Graduate Studies” for additional types of financial assistance available to graduate students. The Undergraduate Scholarship ProgramThe purpose of the Undergraduate Scholarship Program at UCSD is to recognize outstanding achievement, to encourage academic excellence, and to offer support to meritorious students. Scholarships are awarded on a competitive basis by the UCSD Faculty Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships and Honors. Merit scholarships are awarded on the basis of academic excellence. Restricted scholarships are awarded based on one or more additional criteria or restrictions such as financial need, study in a particular major, or leadership. Students who are awarded scholarships restricted by financial need must file a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) in order to receive the award. Additionally, undergraduate research scholarships are offered to current students which enable them to pursue special studies and projects under faculty supervision. Scholarship Sponsors UCSD is actively engaged in developing new scholarship opportunities. Many of these awards were established through the generous support of individual sponsors, foundations, businesses, and community organizations. Every gift toward undergraduate scholarships is appreciated and appropriately recognized. Further information about supporting scholarships at UCSD may be obtained from Kim Signoret-Paar, director of Student Affairs Development. Ms. Signoret-Paar may be reached at (858) 822-1536. Her address is 9500 Gilman Drive # 0937, La Jolla CA 92093-0937. Scholarship Web Site You may view a listing of scholarships, financial aid resources, and information on outside agency scholarship opportunities on the UCSD Financial Aid Office (FAO) Web page at: http://www.ucsd.edu/finaid. Scholarship Office Address The Scholarship Office is part of the UCSD Financial Aid Office and is located in Building 201, University Center, 9500 Gilman Drive, La Jolla, CA 92093-0013 at the corner of Gilman Drive and Myers Drive. Office hours are from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday except Thursdays, open 10:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. For additional information regarding the scholarship program, contact the Scholarship Office at scholarships@ucsd.edu or (858) 534-3263. How to Apply for ScholarshipsEntering Students The University of California Application for Undergraduate Admission and Scholarships is also used to apply for the UCSD Regents and other entering freshmen undergraduate scholarships. No other paperwork is required. The application is submitted in November for the following academic year. Because scholarships are awarded to entering students on a very competitive basis, students should carefully comply with instructions on the UC Application for Undergraduate Admission and Scholarships to ensure full consideration for all eligible scholarships. Entering students who receive a scholarship from UCSD will be notified in writing before May 1. We regret that we are unable to mail denial notification letters to other applicants. Current UCSD Students Current UCSD students apply for scholarships annually during winter quarter for the following fall quarter by filing the UCSD Continuing Student Scholarship Application. This application is available online via StudentLink in February and is due in March. Current students who receive a scholarship from UCSD will be notified in writing by the end of June. Students who do not receive an award will not be notified due to the large volume of applications. UCSD Undergraduate Scholarships The scholarships listed below are generally available at UCSD. Although every effort is made to present the most accurate information, this listing is subject to change due to federal, state, and university funding limitations, and changes in policy or law. Entering Freshman Awards Alumni Regents Scholarships: The Alumni Regents Scholarship is awarded to Regents Scholars who have demonstrated outstanding leadership. The UCSD Alumni Association invites all Regents Scholars to submit an essay regarding their leadership experiences. This award supplements the standard Regents Scholarship award. Recipients receive a $2,500 award per year, guaranteed for two years, as long as the student maintains a 3.0 cumulative GPA and thirty-six units per year. The award will be renewed in the junior and senior years provided the academic criteria are met, and the student verifies their continued leadership involvement while attending UCSD. If Regents Scholars do not receive this award in their freshman year, students can submit an application in subsequent years. As part of the program, the UCSD Alumni Association offers all Regents Scholars special access to alumni networking programs. James Avery Scholarship: Awarded to an African-American student pursuing studies in the performing or visual arts at Thurgood Marshall College. This is a four-year award up to $4,000, paid in the amount of up to $1,000 annually. Black Alumni Scholarship: Awarded to entering African-American students based on academic merit. This is a four-year award up to $4,000, paid in the amount of up to $1,000 annually. Chancellor’s Scholarship:Awarded to outstanding entering freshmen on the basis of academic achievement, and other factors, which may include the personal essay, financial need, extracurricular and community activities, educational environment, and first-generation college attendance. As a Chancellor’s Scholar, students will receive the following undergraduate benefits: extended hoursing benefits (provided housing deadlines are met) and priority registration for four years as a UCSD scholar; and participation in the Study Abroad and Faculty Mentor Programs. This is a four-year undergraduate award, up to $20,000, paid in the amount of up to $5,000 annually. The following scholarships are part of the Chancellor’s Scholarship Program: Ernest N. Carter Hispanic Scholarship for Engineers, Hispanic Scholarship Council Scholarship, Charmaine and Maurice Kaplan Scholarship, Elizabeth Stupp Kohl Scholarship for Women Engineers, Madge E. Lawhead Scholarship, S. Falck Nielsen Scholarship, Parker Foundation Scholarship, Ann Parode Scholarship, Rose Foundation Scholarship, and Shimotori Memorial Scholarship. Clayton H. Brace Scholarship: Awarded to an entering student with an interest in communications. This is a one-year award. The award amount varies. CREATE Undergraduate Scholarship: Awarded to entering freshmen who have graduated from a San Diego high school participating in the UCSD CREATE program. The amount and term of the award varies. Herbert Greenberg Memorial Scholarship: Awarded to entering freshmen based on academic merit and demonstrated financial need. The award amount and term varies. Kelly J. Kolozsi Scholarship: This outside agency scholarship is awarded to students in the following priority: (1) Graduates of Menlo Atherton High School; (2) graduates of a high school in the Sequoia Union High School District. Preference is given to students diagnosed with a learning disability. This is a one-year award. The award amount varies. The recipients are chosen by the Kolozsi Scholarship Selection Committee. McFarland Scholarship: Awarded to Native-American entering freshmen based on academic merit. This is a four-year award up to $10,000, paid in the amount of up to $2,500 annually. Dr. A.R. Moossa Scholarship: Awarded to a pre-medical student who plans a career as a physician, who has financial need, is a full-time student with at least a 3.0 GPA. This is a four-year award up to $8,000, paid in the amount of up to $2,000 annually. National Merit University-Sponsored Scholarships: Entering Students: Beginning in fall 2006, UCSD no longer sponsors entering freshmen for National Merit Scholarships. Continuing Students: UCSD will fund students currently awarded a university sponsored National Merit Scholarship for the duration of their eligibility. All renewal students must meet the renewal eligibility requirements set by the National Merit Corporation. If students are receiving a university-sponsored National Merit award over the $500 honorarium, these students must submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) each year to verify their financial need status. If the FAFSA is not submitted, the student will receive only the $500 honorarium. Sheila Owens-Collins Scholarship: Awarded to an African-American student pursuing studies in the life sciences. This is a four-year award up to $4,000, paid in the amount of up to $1,000 annually. George Parker Memorial Scholarship: Awarded based on financial need to students who were orphaned for at least three years prior to the age of 18, and/or who were raised in foster care for at least three years immediately prior to the age of 18. Students must show evidence of orphan or foster care status. This is a renewable award, paid in the amount of up to $2,000 annually. Mary Pillot Scholarship: Awarded to meritorious graduates of San Jose High School Academy, as nominated by the high school principal. This is a one-year award up to $500. Ray and Betty Ramseyer Scholarship: Awarded to an entering student with an interest in the social sciences. This is a four-year award up to $4,000, paid in the amount of up to $1,000 annually. Regents Scholarship: The Regents Scholarship is the most prestigious scholarship awarded to outstanding entering freshmen on the basis of academic achievement. This scholarship is offered to entering freshmen for four undergraduate years. If a student is offered the Regents Scholarship and has financial need, the student will receive additional scholarship and/or grant funds up to the amount of demonstrated need for four academic years, excluding non-resident tuition costs. Entering freshmen applying in the 2006–07 academic year without documented financial need will receive a four-year honorarium of $8,000, paid at $2,000 per year for the four years of their appointment at UCSD. Entering freshmen apply for the Regents Scholarship through the admissions application. UCSD Regents Scholars are also eligible for certain undergraduate privileges and recognitions such as preferred class enrollment, extended hoursing benefits for four years (providing housing deadlines are met), UCSD college of choice at time of admission, extended student library privileges, and honors program. Roger and Ellen Revelle Scholarship: Awarded to entering freshmen based on academic merit. This is a four-year award up to $20,000, paid at up to $5,000 annually. Senior Gift Scholarship: This scholarship was established by UCSD graduating seniors and seeks to recognize outstanding freshmen and transfer students who have proven community service and philanthropic spirit, and who have financial need. This is a one-year award and the amount varies up to $1,000. Ludwig & Ada Strauss Scholarship: Awarded to an academically outstanding entering freshman with demonstrated financial need. This a one-year award up to $4,000. Awarded to Students Transferring from Community Colleges Engelhorn Family Scholarship: The Engelhorn Family Scholarships are awarded to transfer students who are participants in the UniversityLink or TAG program, have high financial need, with a preference for students who are first-generation college students. This is a two-year award, paid in the amount of up to $2,000 annually. Current Student Awards Alumni Association Scholarship Programs: Awarded to full-time students who will be juniors in 200607, with a 3.0+ GPA, demonstrated financial need, and demonstrated campus or community leadership during UCSD undergraduate years. This is a two-year award, up to $2,000 annually. In addition to the above scholarships, additional Alumni Leadership Scholarships have been made possible by individual donors. These scholarships may have additional criteria. Please see Scholarship Web site for more information: Bay Area Alumni Scholarship, Gregory T. Bryan Scholarship, Kevin T. Hart Memorial Scholarship, Violet and Matthew N. Lehrer Scholarship, Joseph H. Lima Scholarship, Karen Moraghan Scholarship, Vickerman/Munoz Family Scholarship, Walsh Chacon Malone Scholarship, Waxman Family Scholarship. Christopher B. Arrott—Gay, Lesbian & Bisexual Scholarship: Awarded to gay, lesbian or bisexual undergraduate students with a record of active service and involvement in the gay, lesbian, and bisexual community. This is a one-year award up to $1,000. Charles and Clara Ash Scholarship: Awarded to students with demonstrated financial need. This is a one-year award. The award amount varies. BAE SYSTEMS Scholarship: Awarded to full-time students who are seniors in the 2006–07 academic year, with a 3.2+ GPA, majoring in computer science, applied mathematics, computer nor electrical engineering with a computer sciences emphasis, are U.S. citizens and plan to pursue a career in computer science in San Diego. This is a one-year award up to $5,000. Errett Bishop Scholarship: Awarded to upper division mathematics majors with financial need. Preference given to graduating seniors. The award amount varies up to $3,000. The Darcy C. and Robert Bingham Scholarship: Awarded to full-time students who are in good academic standing and are employed with UCSD Recreation, UCSD Student Affairs, or UCSD. Students must work for an average of ten hours per week during the three-quarter academic year at UCSD, and must have worked at least one quarter prior to the submission of their application. This is a one-year award up to $1,500. Boeing Engineering Scholarship: Awarded to full-time students majoring in electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, aerospace engineering, computer science, or computer engineering, who have demonstrated high financial need. This is a one-year award up to $2,000. Tom Bond Revelle College Scholarship: Awarded to Revelle College students who will be seniors in 2006–07, have a 3.7+ GPA, and participated in significant extracurricular campus activity. This is a one-year award up to $1,000. Braille Transcribers Guild: Awarded to students who are legally blind, or have substantial, uncorrectable vision loss, registered with the UCSD Office for Students with Disabilities. This award amount and term varies. Julia Brown Undergraduate Scholarship: Awarded to full-time juniors or seniors in the 2006–07 academic year, who intend to pursue a career in the health sciences (including medicine, research, and public health). The award is based on academic merit and financial need. This is a one-year award up to $5,000. CK and Jenny Cheng CSE/ECE Scholarship: Awarded to undergraduate students majoring in computer science and engineering or electrical and computer engineering at the UCSD Jacobs School of Engineering, based on academic merit. The scholarship is a one-year award of approximately $300. Conexant Systems Scholarship: Awarded to full-time students majoring in electrical engineering, computer engineering, or computer science, with junior or senior standing in 2006–07, who will graduate no earlier than December 2007. Potential candidates have an interest related to the semiconductor industry, possess a minimum 3.3 GPA, and are able to work in the United States. This is a one-year award up to $5,000. Thomas E. Curtis Scholarship: Awarded to juniors or seniors in the 2006–07 academic year, majoring in the fields of biology, chemistry, or physics, who also demonstrate interest in the larger world around them, with leadership-level involvement outside the classroom, and have a minimum 2.75 GPA. This is a one-year award. The award amount varies, up to $2,000. Richard L. and Fern W. Erion and Laidlaw-Erion Scholarships: Awarded to full-time UCSD students who will be seniors in 2006–07, with demonstrated financial need, as determined by information submitted on their 2006–07 FAFSA or renewal FAFSA. The award amount varies, up to $2,000. Brython P. Davis Scholarship: Awarded to current students whose parent is or was a regular member of the U.S. Navy or Marine Corps. This is a one-year award. The award amount varies. Klara D. Eckart Scholarship: Awarded to current students in the fields of computation, mathematics, or physics. This is a one-year award. The award amount varies, up to $1,000. The Willis and Jane Fletcher Foundation and P and G Company Scholarship: This outside agency scholarship is awarded to a graduate of a San Diego County high school with demonstrated financial need. This is a one-year award up to $2,500. Jaye Haddad Memorial Scholarship: Awarded to students who have been diagnosed with cancer, with Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, with AIDS-related conditions, or to students with physical disabilities. This is a one-year award up to $1,000. E. Coke Hill Scholarship: Awarded to students with demonstrated financial need. This is a one-year award. The award amount varies. Irvine Memorial Scholarship: Awarded to students based on academic merit. This is generally a one-year award. The award amount varies. Jeffrey R. Leifer Scholarship: Awarded to current students who have demonstrated financial need and academic merit, are the first generation in their family to attend college, and graduated from California high schools that historically are underrepresented at UC campuses. This scholarship has been established through the generous contributions of Jeffrey R. Leifer. As a student at UCSD, he served as associated student body president and founded International Student Pugwash, a worldwide organization dedicated to issues surrounding ethics, technology, and society. This is a one-year award and the amount varies, up to $1,000. Alice Marriott Scholarship: Awarded to students with demonstrated financial need. This is a one-year award. The award amount varies. Thurgood Marshall College Scholarship: Awarded to students enrolled in Marshall College who have a 3.2 GPA by the end of spring quarter, and have completed a minimum of seventy-two graded quarter units. Transfer students need thirty-six graded UCSD units with a 3.2 GPA and 3.5 cumulative GPA in advanced standing work. Seniors who apply should have a minimum of thirty-six units remaining to be completed in the academic year the scholarship is awarded with a minimum 3.2 cumulative GPA. This is a one-year award up to $1,500. Marx and Marshall—Gay and Lesbian Scholarship: Awarded to gay and lesbian students with a record of active service and involvement in the gay, lesbian and bisexual community. This is a one-year award. Preference will be given to students with financial need. The award amount is up to $1,000. Recipients may reapply. LaVerne Noyes Scholarship: Awarded to current students who have demonstrated financial need and are descendants of U.S. World War I Veterans (defined as four months of service in the U.S. military prior to November 11, 1918). This is a one-year award. The award amount varies. Sven Peterson Memorial Scholarship: Awarded to a current freshman or sophomore, UCSD Warren College student, enrolled full-time, majoring in an area other than engineering or life sciences. The recipient must have been placed on the college provost’s honors list at least one quarter during his or her academic career in advance of applying for the award and must maintain a 3.0 cumulative GPA. This award is up to $3,000 per year and may be renewable. QUALCOMM Scholarship: Awarded to students who are juniors in the 2006–07 academic year, majoring in electrical engineering, computer engineering, or computer science with at least a 3.15 GPA. Special consideration is given to students who have been a San Diego resident for three or more years, who are willing to consider an internship at QUALCOMM, or who have volunteered a minimum of four hours per month at a K–12 educational institution. This is a one-year award up to $5,000. Tenie Remmel Memorial Scholarship: Awarded based on academic merit and demonstrated financial need to a full-time student in the Division of Physical Sciences. This is a one-year award of up to $1,000. Gary C. Reynolds Scholarship: Awarded to students who will be juniors or seniors in 2006–07, who are mathematics-computer science majors, who show exceptional promise for making future contributions in their field of study. The amount of this award varies up to $2,000. Elizabeth W. RusselI Scholarship: Awarded to students who will be juniors or seniors in 2006–07, who are pursuing studies in studio art, art history, or art criticism/theory. The award amount varies. Bevan Schroeder Memorial Scholarship: Awarded to students majoring in computer science engineering. Selection is based on academic merit, financial need, and involvement in campus activities. This is a one-year award up to $1,000. Malcolm R. Stacey Memorial Scholarship: Awarded to Jewish students in the following priority: 1) undergraduate who is an orphan and preparing for graduate study in aeronautical engineering, 2) undergraduate in the field of aeronautical engineering, 3) a student in the division of engineering, and 4) a student in any field of study. This is a one-year award. The award amount varies. William H. Stout Scholarship: Awarded to students based on academic merit. This is a one-year award. The award amount varies. Russ Ty—Gay and Lesbian Scholarship: Awarded to gay and lesbian students based on academic merit and financial need. This is a one-year award. The award amount is a maximum of $1,000. Visual Arts Endowment Scholarship: Awarded to full-time current students, with the intent to support talented undergraduates majoring in visual arts. This is a one-year award up to $4,000. If you have any questions regarding graduate scholarships, they should be directed to the Office of Graduate Studies at (858) 534-3555. Undergraduate Research ScholarshipsThese special awards are for current undergraduate students who wish to engage in special studies or research projects under faculty supervision. The work must be above and beyond the normal course of study. The subject matter does not have to be related to the student’s major, minor, or other course work. These are one-year awards; however, a student may submit a new application each year for consideration. Awards are up to $3,000. Applications are available from the UCSD Financial Aid Office in February and are due in April. Winners are notified by the middle of June. All recipients are required to submit a brief final summary report, including details of how the funds were used. Also, the sponsoring faculty member must submit a review and appraisal of the results of the project. Amylin Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Summer Research Scholarship will give consideration to juniors or seniors in 200607, majoring in biology or bioengineering. Please note the project must be completed during summer 2006 and the student report and faculty assessment is due Monday, October 23, 2006. This is a one-year award up to $2,500. David Marc Belkin Memorial Research Scholarship will give preference to those proposals designed to pursue special studies and projects in the general areas of environmental and ecological issues. The award amount varies up to $3,000. Chancellor’s Research Scholarship will give consideration to proposals regardless of project topic. The maximum award amount is $3,000. Dynes/Hellman Research Scholarship will give preference to those proposals designed to pursue special studies and projects in physics. This is a one-year award up to $3,000. David Jay Gambee Memorial Research Fellowship will give preference to proposals which involve the student as an active citizen in university governance, the local community, or national and international affairs. Also receiving preference are proposals which lead to a heightened awareness of the relationship between environment and society. Service in the community through volunteer activities or participation in programs related to the Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation is encouraged. The award amount varies up to $3,000. Doris A. Howell Foundation Research Scholarship will give consideration to juniors or seniors in the 2006–07 academic year whose proposals are designed to improve the physical, mental, spiritual and behavioral health, and/or well-being of women, with a preference given to applications that study the prevention of disease such as diabetes, obesity, cancer, etc. Proposals may encompass all areas related to women’s health including biological, medical, cultural, economic, behavioral, psycho-social, or cross-cultural influences. The essay must describe how the project specifically addresses women’s health or well-being. The Howell Foundation for Research in Women’s Health is a not-for-profit spin-off of Soroptimist International of La Jolla. The maximum award is $2,500. Scholarships for study abroadUCSD students study abroad through the UC Education Abroad Program (EAP) and the UCSD Opportunities Abroad Program (OAP). In addition to the UCSD scholarships listed above, study abroad students may also qualify for special awards restricted to EAP and OAP participants. All of the scholarships listed below require a separate application through the International Center, unless otherwise indicated. For more information about these scholarships and other outside opportunities for study abroad, contact the Programs Abroad Office at the International Center at (858) 534-1123 or via email to: abroad@ucsd.edu. Betty Tate International Scholarships: Awarded based on financial need and students must have a minimum 2.8 GPA. Chris Borton Memorial Study Abroad Scholarships: Awarded on the basis of academic merit and without consideration of financial need. EAP Scholarships: Awarded primarily on the basis of financial need. Eleanor Roosevelt College (ERC) Scholarships: Awarded to ERC students with financial need. Applicants should apply through ERC. Ernest Mort International Scholarship for Revelle: Awarded to Revelle students studying abroad. Fliesbach International Study Scholarship: Awarded to students majoring in visual arts, anthropology, theatre, or dance. Friends of the International Center: Awarded predominantly on academic merit, with some consideration of financial need. Judaic Studies Scholarship: Awarded to students bound for Israel, with preference given to students with a major or minor in Judaic studies. Applicant should apply through the Department of Judaic Studies. So Family Endowed Undergraduate Scholarship: Awarded to students going to China, Hong Kong, and/or Taiwan. Internship ProgramsUniversity of California President’s Washington, D.C. Scholarship: Awarded to students on internship in Washington, D.C. with financial need and a 3.0 GPA. Applicants should apply through the Academic Internship Program Office. Telephone (858) 534-4355 or the UC/DC Program Office, telephone (858) 534-2705. International Center(Corner of Gilman Drive and Library Walk) Mail code 0018 The International Center assists U.S. students going abroad, as well as international students, scholars, and families, and facilitates interaction among all UCSD students, faculty, and staff with international interests. The International Center’s mission is to promote and support international exchange and education, and to:
The International Center is made up of four distinct offices: the Programs Abroad Office (PAO); the International Student and Scholar Office (ISSO); the Friends of the International Center (the Friends); and, to coordinate all the activities that take place at the International Center, the Business Office. Each office has its own focus. PAO serves the needs of all UCSD students. It helps those thinking about study abroad to learn about the options available, and it guides students through the process of applying to an exchange program, going on the exchange, and returning. Orientation and advising are offered at every step of the way. ISSO focuses exclusively on the needs of all international students and scholars at UCSD. It provides services to help internationals navigate the regulatory maze all the way through completion of the program, from getting a visa and complying with I-94 regulations to getting employment authorization, paying taxes, and traveling internationally. Finally, the Friends are a dedicated group of community volunteers who work together with staff to create programs and outreach activities to support our students and scholars in their efforts to succeed, and to enrich the experiences of internationals and their dependents while at UCSD. Among some of the most successful outreach and volunteer programs at the International Center are the Friday Cafes, the Friends’ Resale Shop (raising over $20,000 annually for international education), language tutoring, Wednesday Morning Coffee (for spouses), the energetic International Club, and many, many others. HousingCommuter Student ServicesCommuter Student Services is a rental listing referral and housing information resource center. This office receives and maintains up-to-date available rentals from people in the community within the various areas near campus. The rental listings include individual houses, apartments, and condos, as well as roommates, rooms in private homes, and work-exchange situations. The university is located in the midst of a resort area that results in relatively high rent in the coastal towns of San Diego: Del Mar and Solana Beach to the north of campus, La Jolla, and Pacific Beach to the south. A general rule of thumb: the closer to the beach, the higher the rent. Available through this office are helpful landlord/tenant materials such as: leases, room rental agreements, bus schedules, wall maps, a courtesy phone for local calling, and a variety of house-hunting aids. Our Web site is useful for students and others unable to come into the office. Search through up-to-date rental listings and available roommates on our online database. Downloadable rental agreement forms are available. Links to local papers allow access to the classifieds. In addition, answers to frequently asked questions ease anxiety regarding a housing search. Services are available to registered students, staff, faculty, and alumni of the University of California only. You must show a current UC ID card or official Letter of Acceptance to receive rental contacts. Rental referrals are not mailed, faxed, or given out over the telephone. The office staff will be happy to assist you with any housing questions or concerns. Our office is located in the Student Center, Building A, Suite 200–202 on the second floor. For further information contact: On-Campus Housing Housing and Dining Administrative Services UNDERGRADUATE RESIDENTIAL HOUSINGEach college houses students in residence halls and/or apartments that are part of a single housing system on campus. While facilities at each college are occupied primarily by students registered at that college, students from other colleges may also be residents. Residence Halls and Apartments Residence halls are arranged in suites of eight to eleven students who share a study/living room and restroom facilities. Apartments are self-contained units with kitchens, bathrooms, living areas, and combinations of two, three, or four bedrooms. Typically four to five students share an apartment. While incoming freshmen are generally assigned space in residence halls, high demand for on-campus housing has resulted in the assignment of apartment spaces for many incoming freshmen. Rooms are furnished and provide ample space for effective studying, sleeping, and storing of personal belongings, books, and clothes. Each college’s resident dean makes specific room assignments in early September when the majority of spaces are filled. Housing and Dining Administrative Services Office administers all other details related to housing contracts. General Information The Living On Campus Housing Application Instructions Information Brochure was mailed in mid-March to all who were admitted to UCSD. Only online applications were accepted and students were given instructions on how to apply for on-campus housing via TritonLink. To be eligible for on-campus housing, the Housing Application and the Statement of Intent to Register form must have been received by the specified deadline dates. On-campus housing spaces are filled according to the date the housing application was received in the Housing and Dining Administrative Services Office. The priority system is explained in detail in the Living On Campus Housing Brochure. Housing application deadline for fall 2006-07 was May 4, 2006 for incoming freshmen. Due to high demand, transfer students will not receive on-campus housing. For the best selection of housing closest to campus, contact the UCSD Off-Campus Housing Office. Web site address: http://offcampushousing.ucsd.edu email: offcampushousing@ucsd.edu The Housing and Dining Administrative Services Office recommends that freshmen, not offered housing by the first of June, call (858) 534-4010 for further information. AFFILIATED HOUSING (OFF-CAMPUS)The University of California, San Diego Affiliated Housing Team operates several housing complexes in an effort to provide the highest level of flexibility when selecting your residence. Mesa Residential Apartments (located minutes off campus) are designed to house single graduate or medical students, couples with or without children, and single parents. Residents must be enrolled full-time in a degree-granting program or Education Studies. The Mesa Residential Apartments offer unfurnished one-, two-, and three-bedroom units. Each unit features carpeting, blinds/drapes, range/oven, and refrigerator. In addition, apartments are pre-wired for cable television and feature private patios or balconies. Gas and water are included in rent. Residents are required to pay electricity. The community is a parklike setting, and amenities include community rooms, coin-operated laundry rooms, co-op garden plots, storage space for each apartment, ample parking, playgrounds for children, and an outdoor sports area, providing courts for tennis, basketball, and volleyball. Coast Apartments community consists of 106 apartments within eleven buildings on eleven and a half acres. Coast Apartments is a two-story walk-up garden community consisting of wood frame construction and composite roofs laced with pebbles. Apartment interior features include: front patio, private balcony, carpet, blinds, range, refrigerator, cable television, and Ethernet connections. The community offers free parking, bicycle racks, a laundry facility, picnic tables, a community room, and beautifully sculptured landscaping where the relaxed atmosphere of coastal living can be enjoyed. Coast Apartments is designed to house graduate students, medical students, couples with or without children, and single parents. Residents must be enrolled full-time in a degree-granting program or Education Studies. Roommates must also meet these eligibility requirements. La Jolla Del Sol, a condominium-style community owned by UCSD in San Diego’s Golden Triangle, just minutes from campus, is designed to house UCSD faculty, staff and graduate/ medical students. Each one- and two-bedroom apartment has a full-size washer and dryer, refrigerator, dishwasher, range/oven, ceiling fan, and private patio or balcony. Second- and third-floor apartments have wood burning fireplaces and assigned covered parking. Unassigned parking is also available for all residents. All apartments are prewired for cable. Residents can enjoy the use of two heated pools with adjoining spas, two lighted tennis courts, and a fitness center and community room. Doyle Community Park is across the street, and local malls and grocery stores are within walking distance. Apartments are assigned on an individual basis. Single Graduate Housing (On Campus)Single Graduate Apartments (located on the Warren Campus) are designed to house unmarried graduate and medical students without children. Residents must be enrolled full-time in a degree-granting graduate or medical course of study, or participating in Education Studies. Single Graduate Apartments all have four single bedrooms and a shared living room, dining room, kitchen, and bath area. Units are fully furnished with the exception of personal linen and cooking utensils. All utilities are included in the rental rate. All units have cable TV included at no extra charge and optional connections to the campus computer system for a fee. All spaces are available on a twelve-month lease. This is a nonsmoking facility. NOTE: All policies and procedures concerning the operation of Affiliated Housing, the eligibility for housing, and the application process are subject to change without notice. For more detailed information on any of the above housing facilities and/or to apply, please visit our Web site: www.hds.ucsd.edu/hsgaffil. Affiliated Housing Operations Psychological and Counseling Services Central Location: Psychological and Counseling Services provide professional assistance with a wide array of personal difficulties that may interfere with academic success. Specific concerns for which students often seek assistance include loneliness and isolation, homesickness, parent/family/partner conflict, difficulty studying, concentrating or test-taking, challenges in interpersonal relations and communication, educational/career concerns, identity issues, sexuality, depression, and anxiety. Students often consult with counselors when experiencing a variety of life issues, transitions, or emotional situations. In order to enhance the UCSD student experience, Psychological and Counseling Services professionals also offer consultation to the university at large regarding a wide range of student issues. Individual counseling, psychotherapy, marriage or relationship counseling, family sessions, and many issue-focused groups are provided to support the emotional and social growth of students. During the course of a year, special forums, psychotherapy groups, support groups, and psycho-educational groups are offered to students according to their needs and the demand for services. Listings are posted quarterly on the Web site. Psychological and Counseling Services are geared toward developing a positive and robust mental health climate in the university community. The emphasis is on helping students maintain healthy lifestyles so that they may enjoy a sense of wellness, express themselves with confidence, manifest their creativity and productivity, manage stress successfully, and engage in interpersonal relations as they achieve their career goals. Psychological and Counseling Services staff are clinical and counseling psychologists and psychologists-in-training. Student peer counselors present programs concerning a variety of topics to student groups throughout the year. In order to provide greater accessibility, the service has offices in all colleges in addition to the central location. Services are available to any currently enrolled undergraduate or graduate student, and appointments can be arranged by contacting the central office. The counseling relationship is private and confidential. Recreation RIMAC Campus Recreation provides UCSD students with quality recreation programs. They are designed to meet leisure-time needs and interests through on-campus programs offering clubs, intramural sports, recreation classes, outings, and a myriad of activities and special event programming. Our goal is to provide opportunities promoting a lifetime of health-conscious options. FacilitiesRIMAC with arena, gymnasium, weight room, racquetball and squash courts, and equipment room. Main and Recreation Gymnasia Intramural SportsThe Intramural Sports Program at UCSD is a balanced blend of team and individual sports activities that are designed to meet the diverse needs of the campus community. Sports offered include flag football, floor hockey, tennis, basketball, softball, soccer, bowling, volleyball, tube waterpolo, badminton, and dodgeball. Recreation ClubsRecreation Clubs are special-interest activity clubs open to the entire campus community. The clubs are designed to bring together people with common interests. Students may join or begin new recreation clubs and participate in the workouts, meetings, social gatherings, and special events that are part of the RecClub structure. Sport ClubsSport Clubs are those teams that compete on an intercollegiate basis but without many of the restrictions of the formal Intercollegiate Athletic Teams. The clubs offer students the opportunity to become involved in somewhat less traditional competitive sports, while still enjoying the travel to and competition against other institutions. Teams include badminton, dance sport, dance team, triathlon, equestrian, water ski, cycling, lacrosse, sailing, surfing, rugby, alpine ski/snowboard racing, ice hockey, and ultimate disc. Recreation ClassesRecreation classes provide students and the university community an opportunity for noncredit, nongraded instruction in a range of physical and leisure activities. The program includes professional instruction in everything from cardio and conditioning, tennis, weight training and swimming to karate, gymnastics, dance, and yoga. Outback AdventuresOutback Adventures (outdoor recreation program) is a passport to adventure and the great outdoors. The program offers fun, full-service trips (transportation, meals, instruction, equipment) in backpacking, rock-climbing, canoeing, kayaking, mountain-biking, and other outdoor pursuits. The Outback Adventures director will also arrange customized trips. In addition, the program offers instructional workshops, a resource library of maps and park information, and a camping and outdoor equipment rental service that includes downhill skiing and snowboard equipment, camping equipment, and game equipment. Outback also runs the indoor climbing center, with facilities for beginning to advanced climbers, rentals, and instruction as well as the UCSD Challenge Course, offering leadership and team-building workshops. AquaticsUCSD Campus Recreation Aquatics encompasses a wide range of aquatic activities. Student users can participate in competitive and training programs in swimming and water polo. Masters Programs in swimming, running, and triathlon provide an intensive competitive and training experience. Special events scheduled throughout the year range from student social activities to international team competitions. Additionally, an extensive recreational lap swim program is maintained to accommodate daily users from the campus and community. Informal RecreationInformal recreation provides individuals and groups of students the opportunity to make use of any and all of the physical activity facilities at UCSD. From jogging on the par course to shooting hoops in the gym, or playing racquetball in RIMAC, “open rec” time allows students to develop their own leisure activities. Mission Bay Aquatic CenterLocated on Santa Clara Point in Mission Bay, this facility and its programs provide students with an exclusive opportunity to participate in all aspects of aquatic recreation. From highly structured classes to equipment rentals, MBAC is a “first class” operation. (858) 488-1036. Personal WellnessOur weightroom and Personal Wellness programs offer a free student personal wellness program with small groups and personalized comprehensive fitness program for sixty students. each quarter. Nutrition counseling, personal fitness assessments, and massage therapy are also offered. Intercollegiate Athletics at UCSDWith 23 intercollegiate teams to choose from the UC San Diego Athletics program provides students with varying interests the opportunity to participate in a highly-competitive program. As a non-scholarship institution, UCSD’s Tritons have competed in the NCAA Division III, achieving national prominence in nearly every sport. In 1998, UCSD won the Sears Directors’ Cup, which is awarded to the nation’s top overall athletics program in the NCAA Division III. In the fall of 2000, UCSD moved to Division II and immediately captured an NCAA Championship in Women’s Soccer while finishing runner-up in the NCAA Water Polo Championship. Triton teams have captured 94 first-, second-, and third-place national finishes, led by Women’s Volleyball’s seven titles. Women’s Soccer has won six championships, followed by Women’s Water Polo with five, Women’s Tennis with four, Men’s Soccer with three and Men’s Golf with one national championship. Individually, 90 Tritons have won national championships while a remarkable 800 have earned All-American Recognition. Tritons have been named Academic All-Americans on 140 occasions and 20 student-athletes have been awarded the prestigious NCAA Postgraduate Scholarship. Sports offered for men and women include basketball, crew, cross country, fencing, soccer, swimming and diving, tennis, track and field, volleyball, and water polo. Men’s baseball, men’s golf, and women’s softball are also offered. With the move to Division II, most teams now compete in the California Collegiate Athletic Association, widely considered to be the top Division II athletic conference in the country. In addition to athletic competition, UCSD students may get involved through support groups, game management, and internships. The UCSD Pep Band has grown steadily in recent years and is a fixture of spirit at all basketball and volleyball events. In 1999, the Triton Tide made its debut as a student booster club, and students may also join the UCSD Cheerleaders, the UCSD Twirl Flag Team, or the UCSD Dance Team. In addition to the student groups, Triton Athletic Associates, a booster group of parents, alumni, and friends assists UCSD Athletics with much-needed financial support. Students interested in a firsthand experience in the operations of an athletics program should check into opportunities to work in game management, which provides the staff for all home athletic events, or inquire about internships within the Athletics Department. Student Office of Human Relations (SOHR) Main Gym, Floor 2, Room 224 The Student Office of Human Relations (SOHR) serves as an interpersonal and intergroup relations resource center, providing programs and services on issues relating to hate/bias incident reporting, anti-bias education/prevention programs, intergroup dialogue education, and mediation of student intergroup conflicts, as well as supporting initiatives that promote a positive campus climate for all members of the UCSD community. Student Health Service Mail code 0039 Student Health Service (SHS) is accredited by the American Association for Ambulatory Health Care, Inc. (AAAHC). Our purpose is to promote and preserve the health and well-being of all registered students so that they may pursue their academic goals. Our staff of physicians, nurse practitioners, registered nurses, medical assistants, health educators, and other medical professionals is committed to helping students maintain healthy lifestyles. SHS is conveniently located along Library Walk west of the Price Center and south of Geisel Library. For more information about SHS and services offered, access our Web page at http://studenthealth.ucsd.edu. General medical appointments are provided at no charge to all registration-paying students during the academic quarters. There is a $10 access fee for urgent care and first aid for students enrolled in the Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP) and a $20 access fee for those not enrolled in SHIP. Summer access to SHS is at no additional charge for students enrolled in SHIP. Continuing students not enrolled in SHIP are charged a summer health fee to access Student Health Service. Reduced fees are charged for pharmaceuticals, contraceptives, travel immunizations, and laboratory tests sent to our reference lab. If you are enrolled in SHIP, many fees are covered. There is a $10 co-payment for lab and a $20 co-payment each for X-ray, specialty appointments, and nutrition counseling for students without SHIP. A vision clinic is available at modest fees and offers eye glasses, designer frames, lenses, sunglasses, contacts, and eye exams. Students enrolled in SHIP are eligible for additional discounts. Although undergraduate, graduate, medical, and international students may have unlimited visits with SHS, students requiring medical or surgical care from practitioners, hospitals, or clinics other than SHS should be prepared to assume the cost of such care. SHIP provides benefits for ambulance, emergency room, hospitalization, most outpatient services, surgery, and major medical expenses with a written SHS referral (applies when the student is within a 100-mile radius of UCSD; outside the 100-mile radius a referral is not needed for services). SHIP also includes benefits for a dental plan, pharmaceuticals, and discounts at the SHS Vision Clinic. The cost for SHIP is factored into grants, loans, and work-study programs offered to students who receive financial assistance. The fee for SHIP is paid by the university for graduate and professional students holding academic appointments of 25 percent time or more. Students covered by private health insurance that meets university waiver criteria can opt out of SHIP by completing the waiver application online through TritonLink prior to posted deadlines. Waivers are processed each academic year. For additional changes, requests, and information, contact the Student Health Insurance office. The campus-based insurance plans do not replace the primary medical care and referral services provided by the Student Health Service. Brochures describing the Student Health Insurance Plan, limitations, exclusions, and open enrollment periods are available at Student Health Service and through the SHS Web page at http://studenthealth.ucsd.edu. The insurance coordinators are available to assist students with any questions at (858) 534-2124. Student Policies and Judicial Affairs Building B, Student Center Student Policies and Judicial Affairs (SP&JA) consists of the administration of student judicial affairs, which includes campuswide coordination of student conduct, including graduate students, monitoring of compliance requirements, with applicable federal and state laws, and university policies and campus regulations, such as Right to Privacy as it affects students. In addition, the director also serves as the liaison to Campus Counsel and UC General Counsel for Student Affairs and other student-related legal matters and policy questions, and provides advice and recommendations for their disposition. Other programs encompassed by SP&JA include the Student Legal Services Office (SLS), Student Office for Human Relations (SOHR), Student Conduct Coordinator (SCC), and the Center for Ethics and Spirituality. Student Legal Services Building B, Student Center Student Legal Services (SLS) provides advice to UCSD students in legal matters. It prepares and drafts legal documents for students seeking to represent themselves in court. These include Petitions for Dissolution, Name Change, Immigration Petitions, and Restraining Orders. Student Legal Services also counsels and prepares students for in pro per court appearances, i.e., Small Claims, Municipal, Traffic, and Misdemeanor Arraignment hearings. As SLS cannot represent students, if such representation is deemed necessary the student is referred to an outside attorney or agency specializing in that particular area of the law. SLS conducts twenty legal education workshops on a wide variety of topics each quarter. Through its Community Law Project, SLS provided pre-law students with service learning opportunities in underprivileged, underrepresented San Diego communities. Additionally, SLS advises the Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity, the Minority Law Foundation, and UCSD Mock Trial. Student Safety Awareness & Sexual Assault Resource Center Main Gym, Room 216 ?The Student Safety Awareness & Sexual Assault Resource Center (SARC), established in 1988, is the primary resource for educational programs on rape, sexual assault, and interpersonal violence prevention for UCSD students. SARC co-sponsors the R.A.D. (Rape Aggression Defense) self defense workshops with the Police Department and the Women’s Center. In addition, SARC offers: (1) crisis intervention for student victims of rape, sexual assault, dating violence, and stalking, (2) accompaniment through the police, hospital, and judicial process, and (3) confidential counseling for student victims, family, and friends. If a sex offense occurs, staff explains the victim’s options to report to law enforcement and/or student judicial affairs and to utilize other resources, i.e., medical assistance, campus and community counseling, and student services. University CentersThe facilities, services, and programs of the University Centers at UCSD complement the teaching and research functions of the university. Both the Price Center and the Student Center provide opportunities for students and the campus community to meet, relax, dine, and enhance their experiences outside the classroom or lab. The Price Center Mail code 0076 The centrally located, modern facilities of the Price Center are home to a variety of services geared to the needs of students and the campus community. The Price Center is the place for eating, studying, surfing the Internet, running errands, and catching the latest feature film at the Dolby Digital sound equipped movie theatre. With its computer resources, the Sun God Lounge is a perfect place to study. Services located in the Price Center include the university bookstore, a copy and technology center, a travel agency, a post office, a gameroom, a Ticketmaster outlet, and a flower stand. Many afternoons, sounds of bands and socializing fill the patio in the plaza. An equally vibrant indoor food court has a variety of fast-service restaurants such as: Wendy’s, Subway, Round Table Pizza, Jamba Juice, Shogun of La Jolla, Rubio’s Baja Grill, Panda Express, and Espresso Roma. A large ballroom hosts major exhibits, conferences, meetings, concerts, and dances throughout the year. Fifteen state-of-the-art conference/meeting rooms are available for use by the campus community. Professional catering and high-tech audio and visual services can also be arranged. The Price Center is also home to many student organizations. In addition, the offices of Campus Tours, Volunteer Connection, Associated Students, University Events Office, and the Office of Student Organizations and Leadership Opportunities are located in the Price Center. The Student Center Student Center Services Nestled among the eucalyptus trees, the wood exterior of the Student Center stands in contrast to the modern marble of the Price Center. The casual atmosphere and unique blend of services make the Student Center a special place. The main building is home to The General Store, Groundwork Books, and the Food Co-op. These are UCSD’s own brand of student-run cooperatives. The UCSD Guardian newspaper, KSDT radio station, and SRTV are located here along with several student organizations and alternative campus media. The Student Center is a popular study spot with academic services such as A.S. Soft Reserves, A.S. Lecture Notes, and plenty of comfortable outdoor study areas. There are also conference/meeting rooms, two ATMs, and the UCSD Bike Shop, which sells, repairs, and maintains bikes and bike accessories. The Commuter Student Services and Off-Campus Housing Office, which advocates for the needs of commuter students and helps students find off-campus housing, is located on the second floor. Next to the main building is The Stage at the Pub where dances, concerts, and many other events occur. The Stage is connected to Porter’s Pub which serves lunch, dinner, and microbrew beer. Students, faculty, staff, alumni, and community members learn the art of neon, pottery, glass blowing, and other crafts in classes offered at the Crafts Center. The work of artists from around the world is exhibited at the adjacent Grove Gallery. Nearby, specialty coffees, light cuisine, and an occasional musical performance are served up in the patio setting of the Grove Caffe, one of the most beautiful places on campus. Just south of the Student Center on the Revelle campus is the Ché Café, which serves a vegetarian menu at very affordable prices. Student Information Center (EDNA) Price Center Located in the Price Center Plaza next to the theatre lobby, the information desk serves the campus community by providing information and a variety of other services benefiting the students, faculty, and the general public. Student GovernmentsAssociated Students Third Floor, Price Center The Associated Students (A.S.) and the Graduate Student Association (G.S.A.) provide students with practical leadership experience in the areas of programming, financial planning, lobbying, and in the development of programs and services that are designed to meet the students’ needs. The Associated Students (A.S.) operates A.S. Lecture Notes, A.S. Soft Reserves, A.S. Challenge Course, A.S. Microwave/Refrigerator Rentals, A.S. Volunteer Connection, A.S. Undergraduate Scholastic Grants, A.S. Safe Ride, A.S. Academic Success Program, A.S. SRTV, KSDT Radio, Grove Caffe, and the Holiday Airport Shuttle. The A.S. has an official liaison with the A.S. Student Initiated Outreach and Recruitment Commission (SIORC), A.S. Alliance, A.S. Women’s Commission, A.S. Triton Tide, All-Campus Commuter Board, and the A.S. All-Campus Transfer Student Association. The A.S. also sponsors a wide variety of programming events including speakers, concerts, and festivals. The G.S.A. takes a proactive stance on graduate concerns in the areas of housing, TA/RA work-related issues, and mandatory health insurance. The Student Government staff works with the A.S. and the G.S.A. in providing logistical, accounting, and programmatic advice. The student leaders and staff of the A.S., the G.S.A., and the Student Government Services office encourage you to get involved and take part in the many leadership opportunities available at UCSD. Student Organizations and Leadership Opportunities Price Center The office of Student Organizations and Leadership Opportunities strongly supports the notion that the university must provide learning experiences for students both within and outside the classroom. Participating in leadership workshops, seminars, conferences, and in any of the over 400 student organizations is an integral part of the university experience. With so many organizations to choose from, there is bound to be one that sparks individual interest. If not, students can start their own organization! Registration for student organizations begins in the fall and continues throughout the academic year. The advisers are here to assist in selecting an organization or in starting one. In addition, leadership seminars are organized to help strengthen the leadership potential of students. Listed below are some of the training programs we schedule each year: Improving interpersonal skills We invite you to stop by the Student Organizations Center on the third floor of the Price Center to learn more about student organizations and leadership opportunities! University Events Office Price Center, Third Floor The University Events Office (UEO) is a multifaceted professional arts and events organization of UCSD with an outstanding reputation for bringing nationally and internationally recognized artists to the campus and local community. Our performances and events offer exceptional opportunities for discovery and participation in a variety of artistic disciplines that reflect our culture and challenge our understanding of the world in which we live. The University Events Office’s performance programs include:
As the central campus resource for events, UEO serves as the adviser to the Associated Students (AS) Programming Office. UEO also advises campus event planners on budgeting, marketing, negotiation and contracting, and provides production planning and technical assistance for major campus events. The UCSD Box Office, the central campus box office managed by UEO, provides ticket sales for campus events as well as events on the Ticketmaster system. The Box Office sells passes for area theatres, theme parks, and more. The University Events Office is a department of Student Affairs at UCSD. ArtPower! at UC San DiegoPrice Center, Third Floor The university’s critically acclaimed performing arts season features artists of national and international renown in music, dance, and spoken word from October through May. ArtPower! provides exciting opportunities for the UCSD and San Diego communities to engage in discovery and dialogue with creative innovators in the arts. Performances by Bill T. Jones/Arnie Zane Dance Company, David Sedaris, and Emerson String Quartet have provided art power to UCSD. ArtPower! is a program of the University Events Office. UCSD Box OfficePrice Center Plaza The UCSD Box Office provides the UCSD and San Diego communities with full service ticketing to the best of arts and entertainment on and off campus. Tickets to ArtPower! performances, RIMAC rock/pop concerts, amusement park tickets, and a host of other fun-filled activities are available for purchase at the box office in person, by phone, or online. The UCSD Box Office is a program of the University Events Office. Veterans’ Affairs Located in the Financial Aid Office EligibilityThe following persons may be eligible for veterans’ educational benefits: Chapter 35 1. Sons, daughters, spouses, and surviving spouses of veterans who died, or are permanently and totally disabled as the result of a service-connected disability, or persons missing in action, or captured in line of duty by a hostile force. Chapter 30 2. A person who entered active duty for the first time after June 30, 1985, and served continuously for three years. Chapter 1606 3. Persons who have a six-year obligation to serve in the Selected Reserve signed after June 30, 1985. CalVet College Fee Waiver 4. California Veterans’ Dependents College Fee Waiver Program: A student who is the child of a deceased veteran or veteran with a service-connected disability may receive a waiver of registration and educational fees. Eligibility is determined by individual county veterans’ services offices. Other ServicesIn addition to certifying paperwork to initiate a student’s veterans’ benefits, the Financial Aid Office staff can answer questions about check problems or other programs administered by the Veterans Administration such as tutorial assistance and VA work-study, or can provide you a phone number so that you can make an inquiry to the Veterans Administration Regional Office. Upon admission to the university, please contact the Financial Aid Office to request certification of VA educational benefits, or notify the office of your eligibility for the CalVet waiver. Other Services and ProgramsUCSD Alumni Association 202 University Center The UCSD Alumni Association was formed in 1964 by a small group of early graduates, and it has grown today to represent over 100,000 alumni. Our mission is to foster a lifelong, mutually beneficial relationship of alumni and students with UCSD. The association works to provide alumni with continued access to the resources of the university, communicate UCSD news and happenings, and facilitate a network for alumni and student interaction. The Alumni Association awards undergraduate scholarships, recognizes outstanding alumni, faculty, and students, assists the university with legislative advocacy, and brings alumni together in social, educational, and networking forums in San Diego and across the nation. The association publishes @UCSD magazine and hosts an active online community. Increasingly, the Alumni Association is providing current students with access to alumni as a resource for social, career, and community connections. When students become members of the association they maximize their interaction with this larger community of alumni. Offerings include career mentoring, skills development training, and support for student organizations and activities. Student and alumni members have access to campus discounts and privileges, networking and volunteering opportunities, educational travel programs, a subscription to all alumni publications, and discount cards for UCSD and community activities. Art GalleriesUniversity Art Gallery Mandeville Center, Room 101 The University Art Gallery presents four exhibitions each year with an emphasis on contemporary works. Painting, sculpture, and photography are joined by newer art forms such as performance art, installation works, and video art, giving visitors a chance to experience the full range of contemporary artistic expression. Recent exhibitions have included: Edward Burtynsky and Stéphane Couturier, Altered States: Landscape Transformations in the Wake of Progress; Doug Hall, In Finite Spaces; Eleanor Antin, The Last Days of Pompeii, and Luis Gispert: Loud Image. Gallery hours are from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Tuesday through Saturday. The gallery is closed Sundays, Mondays, and school holidays. There is no admission charge. Mandeville Annex Gallery Mandeville Center, Room B-118 The Mandeville Annex Gallery is for Visual Arts undergraduate art exhibitions. A new exhibition is mounted each week of the quarter. Included in the exhibition schedule are individual, group, and class shows. Gallery hours are from 12:00 noon to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. There is no admission charge. Visual Arts Graduate Gallery Visual Arts Facility, Room 309 The six-building complex houses the Visual Arts Graduate Gallery. First-year review shows and M.F.A. exhibitions will be mounted each week of the quarter. Gallery hours are from 12:00 noon to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. There is no admission charge. Child Development Center Mail code 0962 The UCSD Early Childhood Education Center serves the children of students, staff, faculty, and the community at large. Age requirements are eleven months and walking through kindergarten. A young infants program (four months to walking) is expected to be available in spring 2006. State subsidy is available for income-eligible staff and full-time students on a limited basis. Only full-time enrollment is offered, 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Breakfast, lunch, and afternoon snack are included in the cost. For further information or to visit, call the Childcare Center’s office at (858) 552-2500 between 7:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. As an alternative, the Infant Toddler Referral Program aids campus families in locating licensed home-care providers for children from six weeks through preschool ages. For assistance, call (858) 552-2500 during office hours or leave a recorded message for a return call. Crafts Center Mail code 0338 Located in the center of the campus, the Crafts Center offers studio and art/crafts instructional facilities in ceramics, photography, jewelry, drawing, neon, glassblowing, and other crafts. The center provides personal enrichment and creative educational opportunities to individuals wishing to develop artistic skills in an active studio-classroom situation. The Grove Gallery is a part of the center, and offers ongoing exhibits of contemporary crafts and ethnic arts. The Grove Gallery Store sells an international selection of handmade crafts and other decorative accessories. Registration for Crafts Center activities takes place the first week of every quarter at the center. Specific classes, schedules, and course fees information can be obtained by calling (858) 534-2021 or http://www-crafts.ucsd.edu. UCSD Cross-Cultural Center Building 510, Mail Code 0053 Established in May of 1995, the UCSD Cross-cultural Center (CCC) functions as a campus community center committed to creating space for dialogue while also maintaining an environment conducive to the recruitment and retention of students, staff, and faculty from underrepresented backgrounds. The CCC offers programs and services specifically designed to reflect UCSD’s commitment to excellence, scholarship, and community through cross-cultural interactions. The center’s focus areas include: faculty, staff, and student exchanges, educational materials and resources, student outreach and retention activities, speakers, film series, community outreach, support and discussion groups, and leadership development. ImprintsYour UCSD Print Resource CenterSelf-serve copies, full color copies, fax service, posters, lamination, large format, plus a large variety of other printing and binding services are available. Price Center Imprints is open evenings and weekends. In addition to standard services, computer workstations are available on a rental basis with both black and white and color laser printer options. Campus Locations:
Triton Plus Card, Library photocopy card, cash, and check payment accepted. Visa and Master-card accepted at Price Center and Geisel Library locations. Transportation and Parking Services Located in the Gilman Parking Structure Transportation and Parking Services, (T&PS) sponsors a variety of programs and services designed to help students living at UCSD without a car. An extensive network of shuttles spans the campus and also serves several off-campus locations. A special sticker can be affixed to a UCSD ID card, free of charge, allowing unlimited rides on San Diego Transit buses within a two-mile radius of campus. T&PS offers a free holiday shuttle service to the airport, helping students get home during breaks. For information, route maps, or schedules, please telephone (858) 534-RIDE, or check our Web site at parking.ucsd.edu. A number of money-saving rideshare programs have been developed for commuting students. Carpool, vanpool, rail, bicycle, and subsidized transit programs feature terrific additional incentives including a free emergency ride home and complimentary parking. For program details, call Rideshare Operations at (858) 534-RIDE. If you choose to bring a car to campus, be aware that a parking permit is required on UCSD property, Monday through Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m., unless otherwise posted. (A short grace period during September’s Welcome Week allows parking in student spaces without a parking permit.) Parking permits can be obtained at the Parking Office (858) 534-4223, or by accessing StudentLink. Student spaces are defined by yellow squares, student (“S”) parking permits are valid in these yellow spaces at all times. After 4:30 p.m. weekdays, all UCSD permits are upgraded and become valid in spaces marked with green (“B”) or red (“A”) squares, and metered (no fee required) spaces. Permits are not required on campus Saturday and Sunday, unless otherwise posted. Student permits are never valid in spaces marked “A” Permit Required, 24 Hours a Day, 7 Days a Week, or in any other 7/24 parking space. T&PS has a Motorist Assistance Program which provides battery jumps, help with lock outs, flat tire inflation, or a lift to the nearest station to buy gas for drivers stranded on campus. Call (858) 534-8108. If you have questions about T&PS, purchasing a permit, or parking at UCSD, please telephone a service representative at (858) 534-4223, visit our Web site: parking.ucsd.edu or stop by the Parking Office, located in the Gilman Parking Structure (entrance on Russell Lane). Student Mail Services Campus Services Complex, Bldg. A The Student Mail Services provides Monday through Friday distribution of mail to resident students during the academic year. Hours of operation are 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Stamps and various other U.S. Postal commodities can be purchased. The UCSD Bookstorehttp://bookstore.ucsd.edu Located in the Price Center Complex Monday–Thursday 8:00 a.m.–7:00 p.m.
Course Materials/Textbooks Required and recommended course materials for undergraduate and graduate classes are stocked at the UCSD Bookstore, along with additional supplementary study aids. Course materials for UCSD Extension courses are stocked in the Extension section of the UCSD Bookstore; they can also be ordered online via the Bookstore’s Web site at http://bookstore.ucsd.edu/books/extension/index.htm. Extension course materials ordered via the Web may be shipped, held for pickup in La Jolla, or delivered for pickup at the North County or Sorrento Mesa Extension centers. Online Look-Up: Undergraduate, graduate, and Extension course materials lists, along with prices and availability, may be viewed online the same day they are entered into the Bookstore’s database once the feature is activated for each term. For graduate and undergraduate classes, within the Schedule of Classes on UCSD’s TritonLink, click on the red book icon for the desired section. For Extension course materials lists, use the look-up/purchase feature at http://bookstore.ucsd.edu/books/extension/index.htm. Faculty: Each quarter, the UCSD Bookstore sends a memo to faculty requesting course materials information (“adoptions”) for the upcoming quarter. Faculty can submit adoptions directly to the Course Materials Department at the UCSD Bookstore, through the various academic departments, or via the Bookstore’s Web site at http://bookstore.ucsd.edu/books/textbooks/coursematerials.htm. Faculty should submit their adoptions before the quarterly deadline to ensure that the course materials can be stocked before classes begin. Information about and links to other campus instructional support services (library eReserves, course Web pages, AS Soft Reserves, Imprints, etc.), are at http://coursematerials.ucsd.edu/. Textbook Reservation Service (TRS) At the beginning of every fall quarter, the UCSD Bookstore offers a convenient textbook reservation service (TRS). Beginning mid-June, students can submit reservations via the Bookstore’s Web site at http://bookstore.ucsd.edu/trs. Custom Publishing As part of the UCSD Bookstore’s mission to serve the UCSD community as an essential academic resource, the course materials department provides custom-printed course materials, including out-of-print and out-of-stock books, journal and newspaper articles, syllabi, anthologies, lab manuals, and original works. To ensure compliance with legal requirements involving reproduced printed materials, the Bookstore secures all necessary copyright permissions. Faculty should submit adoptions for custom-printed materials along with their other adoption requests. Digital Course Content Acting in concert with other instructional support departments on campus, the Bookstore can assist faculty in locating digital materials and making them available to UCSD students. Textbook Sell-Back During the first week and finals week of each quarter, the UCSD Bookstore provides a sell-back service allowing students to sell their textbooks for cash. If a title is being used in the upcoming term, students may receive up to half the new price of the book. Book Information The book information department’s experienced staff of booksellers can help find just the right book from among the impressive selection of general, technical, scientific, and medical books stocked at the UCSD Bookstore. Booksellers can also research any title that is in print in the United States by accessing databases that contain information on hundreds of thousands of additional titles. They are happy to special order books that are not available in the store and receive them quickly too. Ask about rush order service. In addition to offering in-store service, booksellers take orders and answer inquiries via phone, fax, and email and can assist with searching for books and placing orders on their Web site: bookstore.ucsd.edu, which shows availability of more than 140,000 titles contained in their database. To search for and order from more titles, the Bookstore offers two additional Web sites: BookSense, for trade and technical books and the UCSD medical Web store for medical books. General, Scientific, and Technical Books The general, scientific, and technical department contains books from hundreds of different publishers. To support the academic mission of the university, a wide array of academic disciplines in the arts and humanities, social sciences, languages, mathematics, science, and engineering are represented. Strong general interest sections in categories such as fiction, travel, reference, and children’s books complete the selection. Find excellent values in the bargain books section and on discounted bestsellers. All general, scientific, and technical books are discounted 10 percent during “Happy Hours” from 4:00 p.m.close every Wednesday. Check availability of titles in the store online at bookstore.ucsd.edu. The home page provides the opportunity to search and order from among two million additional titles, and explore their partner stores, BookSense for trade and technical books, and the UCSD Medical Web store for discounted medical books. Medical Books and Instruments The UCSD Bookstore is proud of its partnership with the medical community at the university and in the San Diego area. It has long been recognized as the primary resource for an up-to-date, comprehensive selection of medical books and instruments. In the store, find medical textbooks for the UCSD School of Medicine and UCSD School of Pharmacy along with more than 5,500 reference titles in nearly one hundred medical categories. A large selection of medical instruments is available along with lab coats, clinical jackets, scrubs, and unique medical gift items. All medical books and instruments are discounted 5 percent during “Happy Hours” from 4:00 p.m.–close every Wednesday. Check availability of medical titles in the store online at bookstore.ucsd.edu. For a larger selection of medical titles, search the UCSD Medical Web store accessed from the home page. This Web site features more than 90,000 titles and offers up to a 5 percent discount on medical and nursing books as well as medical supplies and instruments. Faculty Authored Books The UCSD Bookstore is pleased to display and sell recent publications authored by UCSD faculty. Inside the bookstore find books shelved in a special Faculty Author section and in the categorical section that applies. Look for a selection of recently published titles on display at the Faculty Club. Faculty members with a new book they would like the UCSD Bookstore to stock should contact the store using one of these methods: (858) 534-3149; (800) 520-7323; bookstore.ucsd.edu/friends/faculty/authorrequestform.htm. Gifts and Clothing Visit the gifts and clothing department and discover an exciting selection of UCSD insignia merchandise, as well as seasonal, trendy, and everyday clothing and gift merchandise. You can shop for bath and body products as well as home décor, jewelry, and sandals. While in the store or online, check out the alumni, parent, and graduation sections. In-store events for this department include the spring break sale, grad fair, and holiday sale, all of which bring a mini mall shopping experience to campus. Shop online: bookstore.ucsd.edu/clothing, or call to find out about the latest arrivals, custom insignia orders, and quantity discounts (800) 520-7323 (READ). Supplies: School, Art, Office, and Residence Halls The bookstore caters to UCSD’s office, school, art, and residence hall supply needs as well as professor required art, engineering, and lab supplies. Students living in the residence halls have a selection of linens, towels, shower caddies, picture hangers, trash cans, white/cork boards, extension cords, T.V. cables, batteries, and much more to get their rooms set up in style. Call (858) 534-3786 for a copy of the Super Catalog featuring over 30,000 office, art, school, and residence hall supplies. Special orders are easy to place and usually arrive within one to two days. For some of the most common supplies, shop online: bookstore.ucsd.edu/supplies. Custom orders and quantity discounts are available. Electronics Brand name calculators, CD players, and voice recorders such as Hewlett Packard, Texas Instruments, Sharp, Sony, and Panasonic are always in stock at the bookstore. This department is full of fun and useful gadgets and accessories. Computers The extremely knowledgeable staff of the UCSD Bookstore Computer Center is available to assist those who wish to purchase computers, printers, digital cameras, peripherals, and supplies. Educational pricing is offered for full-time UCSD students, extension students (certificate courses), faculty, and staff on Macintosh and PC software and hardware. Special orders are encouraged for products that may not be stocked. The UCSD Bookstore One Stop Shopping (BOSS) system was created to allow ordering computer products online: bookstore.ucsd.edu/computers/index.htm. Computer Repair At very reasonable prices the bookstore’s computer center repair shop accepts in-warranty repairs for: Apple, Dell, IBM, and Sony notebooks, and desktops. In addition, they repair almost all out-of-warranty computers and printers including PC clones. They do not repair out-of-warranty monitors. To receive service bring your system to the bookstore computer center. The average repair is three to five days. Special Orders Books, gifts, clothing, office and art supplies, medical instruments, computer hardware and software can be special ordered at any time. Call us to request a personal shopper. Birch Aquarium at Scripps Bookshop 2300 Expedition Way The Aquarium Book and Gift Shop has been operated by the UCSD Bookstore since August 1994. Its goal is to support the education and community service missions of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography and the Birch Aquarium at Scripps. The bookshop has an exciting selection of educational books concerning the geological, biological, and physical sciences and how they interact with the sea. A dazzling variety of children’s books and educational toys are available to children of all ages who have interest in the ocean and its marine life. Other popular items are guides to scuba diving and snorkeling, tide pool guides, San Diego tourist guides, and maps. The bookshop’s selection of souvenirs and gifts is fun-loving with a wide-ranging selection of T-shirts, sweatshirts, postcards, calendars, DVDs, stuffed animals, jewelry, and lots more. Visit the Web store at bookstore.ucsd.edu/aquarium. The Sunshine Store Monday–Thursday 7:00 a.m.–9:00 p.m. Visit the Sunshine Store for all your favorite groceries and needs including: frozen, microwavable, and packaged meals, snacks, soda, fresh sandwiches and salads, juice, coffee, tea, ice cream, sandwiches, donuts, candy, international foods and snacks, health and personal products, cleaning supplies, and household essentials. Film and film processing are available with specials running throughout the year. Join the Coffee Club (buy ten cups, get the eleventh cup free)! Library-safe mugs are sold here, as well as scantrons, blue books, batteries, daily newspapers, and munchies when everything else is closed on campus! Established in April 1979 as an auxiliary operation of the UCSD Bookstore, the Sunshine Store is a busy annex located next to the UCSD Bookstore on the ground floor of the Price Center plaza. Return/Refund PolicyThe UCSD Bookstore strives for complete customer satisfaction. Should any product you select from the UCSD Bookstore fail to meet your expectations, they will respond to your concern and assist you in an exchange, refund, or credit whenever possible within the guidelines that apply to their specific merchandise categories.
University Police Department Campus Services Complex, Bldg. B The UCSD Police Department protects life and property through the enforcement of local, state, and federal laws. The police department strives for a safe campus environment, where the educational and research pursuits of the university can be realized. The Police Department provides continuous twenty-four-hour-a-day police patrol to protect the campus community, along with the dispatching of emergency fire and ambulance services. In addition, student residential areas are provided with additional security with on-site residential security officers (RSOs) during the evening and early morning hours. Clery Campus Crime ReportFor information concerning campus crime statistics, crime reporting, policies and practices pertaining to campus security, and/or crime prevention tips, please visit the UCSD Police Department’s Web site—Crime/Victim Information located at www.police.ucsd.edu. Crime Prevention Program(858) 534-3644 The Police Department’s Crime Prevention Program offers a variety of information to the campus community on crime prevention methods. Pamphlets and informative seminars are available. Community Service Officer Program(858) 534-9255 CSOs are students employed by the UCSD Police Department. They provide a variety of services related to crime prevention and campus safety. One of the services is the safety ESCORT program, which is available every evening from 5:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. They also provide security for campus events and facilities. For more information contact the program coordinator at (858) 822-1130. Lost and Found(858) 534-4361 The Police Department serves as a central repository for lost and found articles. Lost and found items should be taken to the police station. The station is open twenty-four hours daily. U.S. Neighborhood Post Office 2.425 Price Center The Price Center Post Office is a contract station operated under the rules and regulations of the U.S. Postal Service. Stamps, money orders, and other postal items may be purchased and mailed at this location Monday–Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. P.O. Box rentals are available in various sizes. |
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