English as a Second Language

Office: 3232 Literature Building, Warren College


Margaret Loken, M.A.

The English as a Second Language Program (ESL) offers three courses designed for students whose home language is not English (ENGL 10, 11, 120).

ENGL 10–Intermediate Writing is a required course for all undergraduates who have not satisfied the Subject A requirement and who have been designated as needing the course based on their Subject A Examination. They must earn the equivalent of a C and have their instructor’s recommendation to enroll in the Subject A writing course. Those who earn an equivalent of an A or B will also be recommended to take the Subject A exit exam, with the possibility of going on to their college writing program should they pass.


10. Intermediate Writing (4)    This course is designed to provide intensive practice in the conventions of academic English to those students whose first language is not English. This course prepares students for the Subject A writing course. May be repeated once for credit, a second time for workload credit only. Prerequisite: A department stamp is required.

11. Writing Workshop (2)    This course is offered to any students who need additional help improving their writing. The course includes class discussion and individualized instruction, and addresses students’ grammar and syntax needs. Prerequisite: A department stamp is required.

120. ESL Writing for Graduate Students (4)    This course, designed for graduate students whose first language is not English, provides practice in the conventions of academic writing required in specific fields of study. Students deal with common rhetorical and grammatical issues but work on writing tasks for their respective disciplines. Workload credit only. May be repeated. Prerequisite: A department stamp is required.

500. Apprentice Teaching of ESL (1-4)    The course, designed for graduate students serving as teaching assistants, includes discussion of teaching theories, techniques, and materials under the supervision of the instructor in charge of the course. Prerequisite: a department stamp is required. English as a Second Language