Comparative Studies in Language, Society, and Culture

OFFICE: 3354 Literature Building
(858) 534-3826/(858) 534-3217

Program Faculty

Michael Meeker, Ph.D. Department of Anthropology
Jann Pasler, Ph.D. Department of Music
Don E. Wayne, Ph.D. Department of Literature

Graduate students in the humanities, social sciences, and arts in this program are provided the opportunity to design curricula, conduct research, and write dissertations under the guidance of interdepartmental and/or intercampus Ph.D. committees. The student who participates in the program must be admitted, satisfy all requirements for advancement to candidacy, and pass the qualifying examination in one department. The student must also undertake advanced study in an integrally related area of research specialization. The student advances to candidacy in the program upon successfully defending a written dissertation proposal before the interdepartment and/or intercampus Ph.D. committee. In the instance of some departments and programs, the defense will be identical with completion of the departmental qualifying examination.

Application to the program in Comparative Studies may be made at the earliest during the student’s third quarter of residency in his or her primary department. From the point of acceptance into the program, the student’s preparation for dissertation research will be under the supervision of the interdepartment or intercampus Ph.D. committee. The degree granted may indicate in its title the precise nature of the student’s studies and research when appropriate and desirable—e.g., Ph.D. in comparative literature and ethnopoetics, in linguistics and literary studies, in economics and Chinese studies, in philosophy and the history of ideas. When an additional degree title is contemplated, the student’s Ph.D. committee must forward a program of study and research, as well as the dissertation proposal, to the supervising committee for initial approval and to the Graduate Council for final approval.

Students applying for admission to UCSD and interested in applying for admission to the program should direct their inquiries to a primary department. Students already admitted to a primary department should, after the required quarters of residence and with the advice of a department adviser, direct inquiries to the chairperson of the program.

Faculty Research Groups

Beginning with the academic year 1997–1998, the program sponsors a series of faculty research groups. These groups consist of faculty who have announced their intention to supervise graduate students wishing to work on topics involving the comparative study of language, society, and culture. Each faculty research group is expected to be composed of faculty in the humanities, social sciences, and arts from different departments and/or campuses. For a list of current faculty research groups and the topics which they support, contact the chairperson of the program.

The Anthropology of Modern Society

The Anthropology of Modern Society is a project of graduate training and research dedicated to the study of modernity and its counterpoints in the late twentieth century. The group sees the social life of cities as making manifest this problem in issues of citizenship and democracy, social formations in tension with the nation-state, modern subjectivities, social and religious movements, transnational markets and migrations, and relations of local to global processes. Participants are committed to reorienting anthropological theory and ethnographic practice towards such contemporary social and political problems.

Director: James Holston, Department of Anthropology, (858) 534-0111

Co-Director: Martha Lampland, Department of Sociology, (858) 534-5640

Ph.D. Time Limit Policies

A student admitted to this interdisciplinary program is subject to the same time limit policies as those of the student’s primary department.