Student Services and Resources

Academic Advising

The college academic advising offices and the academic departments are the designated campus units responsible for providing official academic advice and direction to undergraduate students. The college academic advising offices and departments have primary responsibility for academic advice and services that assist new and continuing students to develop educational plans and course schedules which are compatible with their interests, academic preparation, and educational and career goals.

College Advising Offices

Revelle College, Admin. Building
Mail Code 0321
(858) 534-3490

John Muir College, 2126 H&SS
Mail Code 0106
(858) 534-3580

Thurgood Marshall College, Admin. Building
Mail Code 0509
(858) 534-4110

Earl Warren College, Computer Science and Engineering (EBU 3)
Mail Code 0422
(858) 534-4350

Eleanor Roosevelt College, Admin. Building
Mail Code 0546
(858) 534-9864

Sixth College, Pepper Canyon Hall, 2nd Floor
Mail Code 0054
(858) 822-5955

Specifically, the college academic advisers conduct academic orientation/enrollment programs for all new students and advise new and continuing students about college general-education and graduation requirements. The advising staff of each college provides general academic and curricular information, clarifies academic rules and regulations, reviews all aspects of academic probation, monitors academic progress, assists students with decision-making strategies, and provides information about major prerequisites, as well as criteria for departments that screen students. In conjunction with the academic departments and the Office of the Registrar, the college advising offices certify graduation and generally facilitate students’ college academic adjustment to the university.

Moreover, college academic advisers are available to counsel students about educational alternaties, selection of courses and majors, program changes, new academic opportunities, and special programs, such as exchange programs, honors programs, outreach programs, etc.

See your college academic adviser for assistance with academic concerns or referral to appropriate academic support units.