Science, Technology, and Public Affairs

[ program ]


For course descriptions not found in the UC San Diego General Catalog, 2011–12, please contact the department for more information.

Lower Division

35. Society and the Sea (4)

Introduction to the oceans and their relationship to humankind. Selected topics include ocean-related science, engineering, research, economics, and international relations (emphasizing countries of the Pacific Rim); living and nonliving resources; coastal zone management; military and social aspects; and the sea in weather and climate. Prerequisites: none. (F)

Upper Division

181. Essentials of Global Health (4)

Illustrates and explores ecologic settings and frameworks for study and understanding of global health and international health policy. Students acquire understanding of diverse determinants and trends of disease in various settings and inter-relationships between socio-cultural-economic development and health. Prerequisites: upper-division standing. (W)

199. Special Project (2 or 4)

Directed study on topics in science, technology, and public affairs; especially for Warren College students. (P/NP grades only.) Prerequisites: senior standing.

Related Courses

Courses in other departments (change somewhat from year to year):

Economics 130

MAE 110B, 118A, 118B, 118C

Political Science 138D, 154, 160AA, 160AB