Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)
Undergraduate Affairs Room 1200D
Graduate Affairs Room 1200D
Engineering Building Unit 3B, Warren College
The Undergraduate Program
Degree and Program Options
The Department of Computer Science and
Engineering (CSE) offers four degree programs: the B.S. degree
in Computer Science, the B.A. degree in Computer Science, the
B.S. degree in Computer Engineering, and the B.S. degree in Computer Science
with a Specialization in Bioinformatics. The B.A. degree in Computer Science
is a flexible program that allows comprehensive studies beyond Computer Science
and Engineering.
All CSE programs of study provide a broad and rigorous curriculum
and are designed to provide students with the strong technical
education necessary
for placement
in the competitive high-tech job market as well as for advanced studies in
graduate school.
CSE offers courses in the following areas:
• Theory
• Artificial intelligence
• Software
• Hardware
• Computer security and cryptography
• Computer vision and graphics
• Databases and XML
• Systems and networking
• Bioinformatics
• Software engineering
In addition, CSE seniors can participate in challenging project-courses
in: software systems, where teams create multiplayer games;
Internet systems, where
create sophisticated Web transaction systems; and mobile wireless computing,
where teams create applications for handheld devices.
The CSE department
supports and encourages students to explore opportunities outside
the classroom. Students assist in many CSE courses as paid lab
tutors and readers, getting an excellent opportunity to interact more
closely with
faculty and other students. In addition, CSE students participate in
research projects
with graduate students and faculty in CSE, the San Diego Supercomputer
Center, and the California Institute for Telecommunications and Information
(Calit2). Under the direction of our faculty, CSE students may also
earn credit by participating in independent research projects.
The CSE department
has strong
ties with local and national high-tech industry, where students can
earn course credit while applying their academic knowledge toward
commercial technologies
in paid internships.
B.S. Computer Science Program
The lower-division B.S. computer science program is designed to
provide a strong foundation in mathematics, physics, electrical
engineering, programming methodology and skills, and computer organization.
Upper-division core courses deal with the theory and design of algorithms,
hardware, and software. Students can gain additional breadth and/or
depth in computer science and engineering by an appropriate selection
of technical electives.
Students should have sufficient background in high school mathematics
so that they can take freshman calculus in their first quarter.
Courses in high school physics and computer programming, although
helpful, are not required for admission to the program.
The department requires a total of 135 units for the B.S. Computer
science program (not including the general-education requirements).
There are three varieties of requirements: lower-division, upper-division,
and technical electives.
1. Lower-Division Requirements
Students are expected to complete the following seventy units by
the end of their sophomore year.
Computer Science and Engineering: CSE 8B or 11, 12, 20 or
Math. 15A, CSE 21 or Math. 15B, CSE 30, and CSE 91; twenty-one units.
Note: Students without any programming experience are advised
to take CSE 8A, CSE 8AL, and then CSE 8B, instead of CSE 11. CSE
11 is a faster
paced version of CSE 8A, CSE 8AL, and CSE 8B, and requires experience
in programming with a compiled language.
Mathematics: Math. 20A-B-C-D and 20F; twenty units.
Physics: Phys. 2A-B-C; 12 units. Math. 20A is a prerequisite
for Phys. 2A. Students whose performance on the Department of Mathematics
placement test permits them to start with Math. 20B or a higher
course may take Phys. 2A in the fall quarter of the freshman year;
all others will take Phys. 2A in the winter quarter of the freshman
year. Students who received high grades in both calculus and Physics
in high school may substitute the major’s sequence, Phys. 4A-B-C
for Phys. 2A-B-C.
Physics Lab: Phys. 2BL or 2CL or 2DL; two units. The lab
course should be taken concurrently with the Phys. 2 or Phys. 4
Introduction to Electrical Engineering: ECE 53A-B; eight
units. ECE 53A-B are courses that give a comprehensive introduction
to electrical engineering.
Probability and Statistics: Math.183; four units.
Science/Mathematics Elective: Students are required to
take one of the following four-unit science/mathematics courses:
2D, Math. 20E, Chem. 6A, BILD 1, 10, 12, 14, 30.
2. Upper-Division Requirements
All B.S. Computer science students are required to take CSE 100
or Math. 176, CSE 101 or Math. 188, CSE 105 or Math. 166, CSE 120,
130, 131A-B, 140, 140L, 141 and 141L; forty units.
Students are expected to complete almost all of these courses by
the end of their junior year. If students want to accelerate their
program, they should consider taking CSE 100 or Math. 176, CSE 105,
and/or CSE 140 and 140L in the sophomore year.
3. Technical Electives
B.S. Computer science students are required to take six technical
electives for a total of twenty-four units. Four electives must
be computer science and engineering upper-division or graduate courses.
The remaining two technical electives can be chosen from the wider
set of courses that includes computer science and engineering upper-division
courses, graduate courses, and other electives as listed under the
section titled Electives. Other restrictions in the selection
of technical electives are also given in the section Electives.
4. B.S. Computer Science, Sample Program
or CSE 11 |
CSE 12 |
CSE 20 or Math. 15A |
Math. 20A |
Math. 20B |
Math. 20C |
GE |
Phys. 2A |
Phys. 2B |
CSE 91 |
GE |
GE |
CSE 21 or Math. 15B |
Sci/Math. Elec. |
CSE 30 |
Math. 20D |
Math. 20F |
Math. 183 |
GE |
ECE 53A |
Phys. 2BL or 2CL or
2DL |
GE |
Phys. 2C |
ECE 53B |
CSE 100 or Math. 176 |
CSE 101 or Math. 188 |
CSE 120 |
CSE 140 |
CSE 141 |
CSE 130 |
CSE 140L |
CSE 141L |
CSE Tech. Elec. |
CSE 105 or Math. 166 |
CSE Tech. Elec. |
GE |
GE |
GE |
CSE 131A |
CSE 131B |
CSE Tech. Elec. |
CSE Tech. Elec. |
Tech. Elec. |
Tech. Elec. |
GE |
GE |
GE |
B.S. Computer Engineering Program
(Curriculum is the same in both the CSE and ECE departments.)
The B.S. Computer engineering program is jointly administered by
the Departments of Computer Science and Engineering and Electrical
and Computer Engineering. Students wishing to take the computer
engineering program must be admitted to one of the departments.
The lower-division computer engineering program is designed to
provide a strong foundation in mathematics, physics, electrical
engineering, programming methodology and skills, and computer organization.
Upper-division core courses deal with the theory and design of algorithms,
hardware and software, as well as electronic systems. Students can
gain additional breadth and/ or depth in computer science and engineering
by an appropriate selection of technical electives.
Students should have sufficient background in high school mathematics
so that they can take freshman calculus in their first quarter.
Courses in high school physics and computer programming, although
helpful, are not required for admission to the program.
B.S. Computer engineering program requires a total of 147 units
(not including the general-education requirements). There are three
varieties of requirements: lower-division, upper-division, and technical
1. Lower-Division Requirements
Students are expected to complete the following seventy units by
the end of their sophomore year.
Computer Science and Engineering: CSE 8B or 11, 12, 20 or
Math. 15A, CSE 21 or Math. 15B, CSE 30, and CSE 91; twenty-one units.
Note: Students without any programming experience are advised
to take CSE 8A, CSE 8AL, and then CSE 8B, CSE 8AL, instead of
CSE 11. CSE 11 is a faster
paced version of CSE 8A and CSE 8B, and requires experience in
programming with a compiled language.
Mathematics: Math. 20A-B-C-D and 20F; twenty units.
Physics: Phys. 2A-B-C-D; sixteen units. Math. 20A is a prerequisite
for Phys. 2A. Students whose performance on the Department of Mathematics
placement test permits them to start with Math. 20B or a higher
course may take Phys. 2A in the fall quarter of the freshman year;
all others will take Phys. 2A in the winter quarter of the freshman
year. Students who received high grades in both calculus and physics
in high school may substitute the major’s sequence, Phys. 4A-B-C-D
for Phys. 2A-B-C-D.
Physics Lab: Phys. 2BL or 2CL or 2DL; two units. The lab
courses should be taken concurrently with the Phys. 2 or Phys. 4
Introduction to Electrical Engineering: ECE 53A-B; eight
units. ECE 53A-B are courses that give a comprehensive introduction
to electrical engineering.
Probability and Statistics: ECE 109; four units. This course
can be taken in the sophomore year.
2. Upper-Division Requirements
All B.S. Computer engineering students are required to take CSE
100 or Math. 176, CSE 101 or Math. 188, CSE 105 or Math. 166, CSE
120, 131A-B, 140, 140L, 141, and 141L; thirty-six units.
In addition, all B.S. Computer engineering students have to fulfill
the following upper-division ECE requirements.
Linear Systems: ECE 101, ECE 171A or 161A; eight units.
The department recommends that these courses be taken in the junior
Electronic Circuits and Systems: ECE 102, ECE 108; eight
units. The department recommends that these courses be taken in
the junior year.
If students want to accelerate their program, they should consider
taking CSE 100 or Math. 176, CSE 105 or Math. 166, and/or CSE 140
and 140L in the sophomore year.
3. Technical Electives
All B.S. Computer engineering students are required to take six
technical electives for a total of twenty-four units. One of these
courses must be either ECE 111 or ECE 118. Of the remaining five
courses, four must be computer science and engineering or electrical
and computer engineering upper-division or graduate courses.
The remaining course can be any computer science and engineering
or electrical and computer engineering upper-division or graduate
course, or any other course listed under the section titled Electives.
Other restrictions in the selection of technical electives are also
given in the section Electives.
4. B.S. Computer Engineering, Sample Program
or CSE 11 |
CSE 12 |
CSE 20 or Math. 15A |
Math. 20A |
Math. 20B |
Math. 20C |
GE |
Phys. 2A |
Phys. 2B |
CSE 91 |
GE |
GE |
CSE 21 or Math. 15B |
Math. 20F |
CSE 30 |
Math. 20D |
ECE 53A |
ECE 53B |
Phys. 2C |
ECE 109 |
GE |
GE |
Phys. 2D |
Phys. 2BL or 2CL or
2DL |
CSE 100 or Math. 176 |
CSE 101 or Math. 188 |
CSE 105 or Math. 166 |
CSE 140 |
CSE 141 |
CSE 120 |
CSE 140L |
CSE 141L |
(Req. Tech. Elec.-ECE
111 or ECE 118) |
ECE 102 |
ECE 108 |
GE |
GE |
GE |
CSE 131A |
CSE 131B |
ECE 171A or 161A |
ECE 101 |
CSE/ECE Tech. Elec. |
CSE/ECE Tech. Elec.
CSE/ECE Tech. Elec. |
CSE/ECE Tech. Elec |
Tech. Elec. |
GE. |
GE |
GE |
B.S. Computer Science with a Specialization in Bioinformatics
The explosion in biological knowledge spawned by the various genome
projects has created entirely new fields and industries, and a need
for trained computational biologists who are familiar with biology,
mathematics, and computer sciences. The Computer Science and Engineering
Department offers rigorous, interdisciplinary training in the new
and rapidly evolving field of bioinformatics. Bioinformatics refers
to advanced computational and experimental methods that model the
flow of information (genetic, metabolic, and regulatory) in living
systems to provide an integrated understanding of the system properties
of organisms. This interdisciplinary major will be offered by three
other programs (Division of Biology, Department of Chemistry and
Biochemistry, and Department of Bioengineering). The computer science
and engineering requirements comprise of 152 units to be taken from
the divisions of physical sciences, biology, and engineering.
1. Lower-Division Requirements
Lower-division requirements, 64 units: Students are expected to
complete all lower-division requirements by the end of their sophomore
- Math. 20A, 20B, 20C, 20F, (16 units)
- Chemistry 6A, 6B, 6C, and one lab (15 units)
- BILD 1, BILD 2, and BILD 94 (9 units)
- CSE 11, CSE 12, and CSE 21 or Math. 15B (12 units)
- Physics 2A, 2B, 2C (12 units)
2. Upper-Division Requirements
Upper-division requirements, 88 units (includes five CSE technical
- CSE 100 or Math. 176 (Data Structures), (4 units)
- CSE 101 or Math. 188 (Algorithms), (4 units)
- Chemistry 140A–140B (Organic Chemistry), (8 units)
- Chemistry 114B (Biochemical Energetics and Metabolism) or BIBC
102 (Structural and Metabolic Biochemistry) (4 units)
- BIBC 103 (Biochemical Techniques), (4 units)
- BICD 100 (Genetics), (4 units)
- BIMM 100 (Molecular Biology) or Chemistry 114D (Molecular and
Cellular Biochemistry), (4 units)
- BIMM 101 (Recombinant DNA Lab), (4 units)
- BICD 110 (Cell Biology), (4 units)
- BIBC 110 (Physical Biochemistry) or Chemistry 127 (Physical
Chemistry), (4 units)
- Five additional CSE upper-division electives (electives 1,
2, 3, 4, and 5).
At least one course from each of the three groups for a total
of five electives:
Group I: CSE 30, 111, 131A, 131B, 134A
Group II: CSE 105, 150, 151, Math. 184A
Group III: CSE 132A, 132B, 133
The bioinformatics series comprised of the following six courses,
24 units:
- CSE 181 or BIMM 181 or BENG 181 (Molecular Sequence Analysis),
(4 units)
- CSE 182 or BIMM 182 or BENG 182 or Chem. 182 (Biological Databases),
(4 units)
- BENG 183 (Applied Genomic Technologies), (4 units)
- CSE 184 or BIMM 184 or BENG 184 (Computational Molecular Biology),
(4 units)
- BIMM 185 (Bioinformatics lab), (4 units)
- Math. 186 (Probability and Statistics), (4 units)
3. B.S. Computer science with a specialization in bioformatics,
sample program
CSE 8A/8AL+8B or
CSE 12 |
BILD 942
Math. 20A |
Math. 20B |
Math. 20C |
Chem. 6A |
Chem. 6B |
Chem. 6C |
GE 1 |
BILD 1 |
Chem. 6BL |
GE 2 |
GE 3 |
CSE 21 or Math. 15B |
Math. 20F |
Chem. 140B |
BILD 2 |
Phys. 2B |
BIBC 103 |
Phys. 2A |
Chem. 140A |
Phys. 2C |
GE 4 |
GE 5 |
GE 6 |
CSE 100 or Math. 1763 |
CSE 101 or Math. 188 |
CSE 1814 |
BICD 100 |
Math. 186 |
BIMM 101 or Chem.
112B |
GE 7 |
BIBC 102 or Chem.
114B |
BICD 110 |
GE 8 |
BIMM 100 or Chem.
114D |
Chem. 127 |
CSE 182 |
CSE 184 |
BIMM 185 |
BENG 183 |
Elec. 2 |
Elec. 4 |
Elec. 15 |
Elec. 3 |
Elec. 5 |
GE 9 |
GE 10 |
GE 11 |
1 Students may take the slower paced version, CSE 8A
+ CSE 8AL + CSE 8B, instead of CSE 11.
2 BILD 94 (1 unit seminar) is recommended in students
first spring quarter of study at UCSD. This course gives an overview
of issues and topics in bioinformatics.
3 CSE 30 prerequisite will be waived.
4 New courses for the bioinformatics program: CSE 181
is cross-listed with BIMM 181 and BENG 181; CSE 182 is cross-listed
with BIMM 182, Chem 182, and BENG 182; CSE 184 is cross-listed
BIMM 184 and BENG 184; and (BENG 183, BIMM 185, and Math. 186 are
not cross-listed with any other courses).
5 Students must complete five CSE technical electives
from the approved list.
B.A. Computer Science Program
The B.A. Computer science program gives students more latitude
in designing their course of study. The lower-division program is
designed to provide a strong foundation in mathematics, physics,
programming methodology and skills, and computer organization. Upper-division
core courses deal with the theory and design of algorithms, hardware,
and software. Students can gain additional breadth and/or depth
in computer science and engineering by an appropriate selection
of technical electives. By requiring fewer technical electives,
the B.A. Computer science program serves those students desiring
more time for undergraduate studies outside their major subject.
The department requires a total of 105 units for the B.A. Computer
science program (not including the general-education requirements).
There are three varieties of requirements: lower-division, upper-division,
and technical electives.
1. Lower-Division Requirements
Students are expected to complete the following fifty-two units
by the end of their sophomore year.
Computer Science and Engineering: CSE 8B or 11, 12, 20 or
Math. 15A, CSE 21 or Math. 15B, CSE 30, and CSE 91; twenty-one units.
Note: Students without any programming experience
are advised to take CSE 8A, CSE 8AL, and then CSE 8B, instead of
11 is a faster
paced version of CSE 8A, CSE 8AL, and CSE 8B, and requires experience
in programming with a compiled language.
Mathematics: Math. 20A-B-C-D and 20F; twenty units.
Physics: Phys. 2A-B-C; twelve units. Math. 20A is a prerequisite
for Phys. 2A. Students whose performance on the Department of Mathematics
placement test permits them to start with Math. 20B or a higher
course may take Phys. 2A in the fall quarter of the freshman year;
all others will take Phys. 2A in the winter quarter of the freshman
year. Students who received high grades in both calculus and physics
in high school may substitute the major’s sequence, Phys. 4A-B-C
for Phys. 2A-B-C.
2. Upper-Division Requirements
All B.A. Computer science students are required to take CSE 100
or Math. 176, CSE 101 or Math. 188, CSE 105 or Math. 166, CSE 120,
131A, 131B, 140, 140L, 141, and 141L; thirty-six units.
Students are expected to complete almost all of these courses by
the end of their junior year. If students want to accelerate their
program, they should consider taking CSE 100 or Math. 176, CSE 105
or Math. 166, and/or CSE 140 and 140L in the sophomore year.
3. Technical Electives
B.A. Computer science students are required to take four technical
electives for a total of sixteen units. Of these four electives,
at least two must be computer science and engineering upper-division
or graduate courses.
The remaining two technical electives can be chosen from a wider
set of courses that includes computer science and engineering upper-division
courses, graduate courses, and other electives as listed under the
section titled Electives. Other restrictions in the selection
of technical electives are also given in the section Electives.
4. B.A. Computer Science, Sample Program
or CSE 11 |
CSE 12 |
CSE 20 or Math. 15A |
Math. 20A |
Math. 20B |
Math. 20C |
GE |
Phys. 2A |
Phys. 2B |
CSE 91 |
GE |
GE |
CSE 21 or Math. 15B |
Math. 20F |
CSE 30 |
Math. 20D |
GE |
GE |
Phys. 2C |
GE |
GE |
CSE 100 or Math. 176 |
CSE 101 or Math. 188 |
CSE 120 |
CSE 140 |
CSE 141 |
CSE Tech. Elec. |
CSE 140L |
CSE 141L |
GE |
CSE 105 or Math. 166 |
GE. |
GE |
CSE 131A |
CSE 131B |
Tech. Elec. |
CSE Tech. Elec. |
Tech. Elec. |
GE |
The discipline of computer science and engineering interacts with
a number of other disciplines in a mutually beneficial way. These
disciplines include mathematics, electrical engineering, and cognitive
science. The following is a list of upper-division courses from
these and other disciplines that can be counted as technical electives.
At most four units of CSE 197, 198, or 199 may be used towards
technical elective requirements. CSE 195 cannot be used towards
course requirements. Undergraduate students must get instructor’s
permission and departmental stamp to enroll in a graduate course.
Students may not get duplicate credit for equivalent courses. The
UCSD General Catalog should be consulted for equivalency information
and any restrictions placed on the courses. Additional restrictions
are noted below. Any deviation from this list must be petitioned.
Mathematics: All upper-division courses except Math. 168A
(Math. 183—Computer Engineering majors only), 184A, and 195–199.
If a student has completed CSE 167, then he or she cannot get elective
credit for Math. 155A. Students may receive elective credit for
only one of the following courses: CSE 164A, Math. 174, Math. 173,
Phys. 105A-B, CENG 100, MAE 107. No credit for any of these courses
will be given if Math. 170A-B-C is taken. Students may receive credit
for either one of the following: Math. 166 or CSE 105 (but not both),
Math. 188 or CSE 101 (but not both), Math. 176 or CSE 100 (but not
Credit will be given for only one of the following: ECE 109 or
Math. 183 or Econ. 120A.
Electrical and Computer Engineering: All ECE upper-division
courses except 195-199.
Students may not get credit for both CSE 123A and ECE 158A or CSE
143 and ECE 165. Credit will be given for only one of the following:
ECE 109 or Math. 183 or Econ. 120A.
Cognitive Science: Sensation and Perception 101A; Learning,
Memory, and Attention 101B, Language 101C, Distributed Cognition
102A, Cognitive Ethnography 102B, Cognitive Engineering 102C, Neuroanatomy
and Physiology 107A, Systems Neuroscience 107B, Cognitive Neuroscience
107C, Programming Methods for Cognitive Science 108D, Neural Network
Models of Cognitive I 108E, Advanced Programming Methods for Cognitive
Science 108F, Human Computer Interaction 120, Human Computer Interaction
Programming 121, Natural and Artificial Symbolic Representational
Systems 170, Neural Network Models of Cognition II 181, Representation,
Search, and the Web 188.
Students may not get credit for both CSE
150 and Advanced Programming Methods
for Cognitive Science 108F.
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering: All upper-division
MAE courses except MAE 140 (ONLY Computer Science majors
may take MAE 140) and 195-199.
Students may receive elective credit for only one of the following
courses: CSE 164A, Math. 174, Math. 173, Phys. 105A-B, CENG 100,
MAE 107. Students may only get credit for one of the two courses,
CSE 167 or MAE 152.
Economics: Microeconomics 100A-B, Game Theory 109, Macroeconomics
110A-B, Mathematical Economics 113, Econometrics 120A-B-C, Applied
Econometrics 121, Management Science Microeconomics 170A-B, Decisions
Under Uncertainty 171, Introduction to Operations Research 172A-B-C,
Economic and Business Forecasting 178.
Credit will be given for only one of the following: ECE 109 or
Math. 183 or Econ. 120A.
Linguistics: Phonetics 110, Phonology I 111, Phonology II
115, Morphology 120, Syntax I 121, Syntax II 125, Semantics 130,
Mathematical Analysis of Language 160, Computers and Language 163,
Computational Linguistics 165, Principles of Discourse and Dialog
169, Psycholinguistics 170, Language and the Brain 172, and Sociolinguistics
Engineering: Principles of Team Engineering 100, Team
Engineering Laboratory 100L, Team Engineering 101.
Computer Science and Computer Engineering: Students
are eligible to receive six units of technical elective credit
for completing
a combination of ENG 100 (two units) and ENG 100L (two units).
Students must complete one quarter of ENG 100 for two units, and
two quarters
of ENG 100L for a total of four units. With this combination, students
will get credit for one technical elective. To receive credit for
two technical electives, students must complete one more quarter
of ENG 100L. This credit can be applied to fulfill the technical
elective requirements.
Computer Science with a Specialization in
Bioinformatics: Students must petition department for technical
elective credit.
Music: Computer Music II 172, Audio Production: Mixing and
Editing 173.
Psychology: Introduction to Engineering Psychology 161
Minor and Program of Concentration
The CSE minor requires successful completion of a total of nine
CSE courses. To be admitted into the minor, students must have a
2.5 GPA and a C– or better in CSE 8B or 11, 12, 20, 21, 30.
The remaining four CSE courses are CSE 100, CSE 101, and two additional
CSE upper-division courses subject to enforcement of prerequisites.
In order for the minor to be awarded students must receive an average
2.0 GPA in the upper-division courses.
Note: Students without any programming experience are advised
to take CSE 8A, CSE 8AL, and then CSE 8B, instead of CSE 11. CSE
11 is a faster
paced version of CSE 8A, CSE 8AL, and CSE 8B, and requires experience
in programming with a compiled language.
Students should consult their college provost’s office concerning
the rules for the minor or program of concentration. Because our
undergraduate program is highly impacted, winter or spring enrollment
is recommended for CSE 8A or CSE 8B or CSE 11.
Effective Fall 2000, Mathematics/Computer Science Majors will not
be allowed the Minor in Computer Science.
Computing Courses for Non-Majors
The department offers a slow-pace course providing a practical
introduction to computers, computation, and programming: CSE 5A—an
introduction to structured programming using the C/Java programming
language. We also offer an introduction in “fluency in information
technology”: CSE 3—an introduction to basic information
students need to deal with information technology. It is more of
a concepts course than a programming course, but some simple programming
will be done as part of the teaching of concepts.
Admission to Major
Freshmen Students
Freshman students who have excelled in high school and have declared
CSE on their application will be directly admitted by the dean of
the School of Engineering into their major. The only way to become
a computer science (CS) or computer engineering (CE) major is to
be directly admitted as an entering freshman (transfer students
see TRANSFER STUDENTS section below) These students will be notified
directly of their status.
Because of heavy student interest in departmental programs, and
the limited resources available to accommodate this demand, maintenance
of a high quality program makes it necessary to limit enrollments
to the most qualified students.
Admission to the department as a major, transfer, or minor is
in accordance with the general requirements established by the
Jacobs School
of Engineering.
The B.S. or B.A. In Computer Science and the B.S. In Computer Engineering
are heavily impacted majors and admission is limited to applicants
who have demonstrated a high level of achievement commensurate with
the prospect of success in these majors. Successful applicants must
have completed substantial training at the community college and
must have achieved a high level of academic performance there. For
example, the required minimum of 90 quarter transfer units must
include 18 quarter units of calculus, 12 quarter units of calculus-based
physics, and the highest level computer science course offered at
their community college.
Effective fall 2001 applicants seeking admission as transfer students
will be considered for direct admission into the Computer Science
(CS) or Computer Engineering (CE) majors in the Department of Computer
Science & Engineering (CSE). The only way to become a computer
science (CS) or computer engineering (CE) major is to be directly
admitted as an entering transfer student. Although the actual required
GPA cutoff depends on the number of openings, at least a 3.2 GPA
in the community college transfer courses, and a 3.4 GPA in math,
physics and computer science courses, are likely to be needed to
gain admission. Transfer students who have declared pre-CSE will
be considered for direct admission to the major.
Effective fall 2004, it is strongly recommended
that transfer students complete the following course preparation
for engineering majors*:
- Calculus I—for Science and Engineering (Math. 20A)
- Calculus II—for Science and Engineering (Math. 20B)
- Calculus and Analytic Geometry (Math. 20C)
- Differential Equations (Math. 20D)
- Linear Algebra (Math. 20F)
- Complete calculus-based physics series with lab experience (Physics
- Chemistry 6A (except computer science and computer engineering
- Highest level of introductory computer programming language
course offerings at the community college**
*Effective fall 2006, these courses will be required
preparation for all engineering transfer students.
**Refer to the UCSD General Catalog to select major prerequisite
requirement for computer language courses.
Exceptional Admission Program
The computer science
and engineering department may periodically grant admission to
the Computer Science (CS) or Computer Engineering (CE) majors
to a small
number of academically exceptional UCSD undergraduate students
who were not admitted to these majors as entering students. Exceptional
admission will be considered for students having an overall UCSD
GPA of 3.5 or better who have taken at least two CSE, math, or
courses demonstrating special aptitude for the CS or CE curriculum.
Applications for exceptional admission must include submission
a course plan demonstrating ability to satisfy graduation requirements
and a personal statement addressing the applicant’s motivation
to join the CS or CE major, in addition to other criteria established
by the department. (For admission into the B.S. in Computer Science
with a Specialization in Bioinformatics, please see the following
section: Admission into B.S. in Computer Science with a Specialization
in Bioinformatics). See Web site for complete information and
application (
Admission into B.S. in Computer Science with a Specialization
in Bioinformatics
Since the number of pre-majors and majors will be limited as described
in the section on bioinformatics, student demand may exceed capacity.
Therefore, admission to the specialization is not guaranteed and
will be based on academic excellence, as described below. Since
bioinformatics is an interdisciplinary major, a steering committee
involving faculty from the participating departments will select
among the best candidates applying and recommended through each
department, while insuring active participation of the departments
and divisions offering the major. The final decision on admission
to the pre-major and major will be made by the Bioinformatics
Committee, in consultation with the departments. The application
is found at,
or see the CSE department at EBU 3B, Room 1200D.
Freshmen and Continuing Students
Students (freshmen or continuing UCSD students) will be admitted
into one of our existing undergraduate majors (B.A. Computer Science,
B.S. Computer Science, and B.S. Computer Engineering) through the
direct admission process or through the exceptional admission program.
Students will then have the option of trying to enter the bioinformatics
program by applying for the bioinformatics pre-major (while still
retaining their current major status) once they complete the first
four screening courses (Math 20B, Math 21C, BILD 1, Chem 6A). Students
will then formally apply to the bioinformatics major upon completion
of the remaining screening courses CSE 11 and CSE 12. If admitted,
students will become bioinformatics majors in CSE. If not, they
can continue in their current CSE major.
Transfer Students
Transfer students will be admitted into one of our existing undergraduate
majors (B.A. Computer Science, B.S. Computer Science, and B.S. Computer
Engineering) through the direct admission process or through the
exceptional admission program. Effective fall 2003, CSE transfer
students can directly apply to the bioinformatics major if they
completed the following courses prior to transferring to UCSD.
- A year of calculus (equivalent to Math 20A-B-C at UCSD)
- A year of general chemistry, with lab (equivalent to Chem 6A,
6B/6BL and Chem 6C at UCSD)
- The highest level programming course offered at the community
college (equivalent to CSE 11 and CSE 12 at UCSD)
- One semester of cell biology (equivalent to BILD 1 and BILD
2 at UCSD)
Those who have not completed the above courses may be admitted
as bioinformatics pre-majors and will be allowed a maximum of three
quarters to complete pre-major requirements. Students will then
formally apply to the bioinformatics major upon completion of the
remaining screening courses CSE 11 and CSE 12. If admitted, students
will become bioinformatics majors in CSE. If not, they can continue
in their current CSE major. Transfer students are encouraged to
complete these requirements at the community college.
Advanced Placement Credit: Application to Major Requirements
January 14, 2005, the following CSE advanced placement equivalencies
have been approved (a four-unit maximum for both tests).
Computer Science A Exam (Java
Programming), 2 units:
Score of 4 = exempt CSE 8A and 8AL;
student should take CSE 11
Score of 5 = exempt CSE 11
Computer Science AB Exam (Java
Programming, and Data Structures & Object-Oriented Programming), 4
Score of 4 or 5 = exempt CSE 11
Score of 5 = exempt CSE 12 with
department approval
Enrollment in CSE courses
Student demands exceed capacity in many CSE courses. Accordingly,
many CSE courses may have enrollment restrictions which give priority
to students in the following order:
- CSE majors, CSE M.S., and CSE Ph.D. students.
- CSE pre-majors, and ECE CE majors and pre- majors, and Math-CS
majors. CSE pre-major status is conferred to transfer students
and to those students admitted prior to fall 1998.
- Students fulfilling a non-elective requirement in another program.
- CSE minors.
- All other majors or pre-majors in other SOE departments.
- All others, with permission of the department of Computer Science
and Engineering.
Where these restrictions apply, the registrar will not enroll low-priority
students in the course.
The Department of Computer Science and Engineering will attempt
to provide sufficient sections of all lower-division courses. Students
will, however, be screened to ensure that they meet all course enrollment
Admission to upper-division courses will be restricted to students
having completed all prerequisites with a C- or better (or consent
of the instructor.) Courses have enrollment restrictions which give
priority in the following order: students admitted by the department
to a major or minor curriculum; students fulfilling a requirement
for another major; all others. Within these categories, priority
is determined on the basis of graduation date and/or credits completed.
Where these restrictions apply, the registrar will not enroll nonmajors
except by department approval. Students who are undeclared will
not be admitted to upper-division computer science and engineering
Those students not in compliance with the above restrictions
should be forewarned that they will automatically be dropped from
course rosters (at any time during the quarter) when
it comes to the attention of the department that
a student is enrolled in a course without being eligible because
of restrictions and/or the
performance standards have not been met. Admission to all computer
science and engineering courses will require obtaining approval
by the student affairs personnel. You may also contact for more information.
UC Education Abroad Program (EAP) and UCSD’s Opportunities
Abroad Program (OAP)
CSE majors are encouraged to participate in
the UC Education Abroad Program (EAP) or UCSD's Opportunities Abroad
Program (OAP). Subject to approval by the faculty
director of the major, courses taken through EAP/OAP will be accepted for credit
toward the major. Students interested in studying abroad should see a CSE undergraduate
program adviser to discuss appropriate courses and programs for their plan of
study. The advising office is located in Engineering Building Unit #3 (EBU 3B),
Room 1200D.
Information on EAP/OAP is given in the “Education Abroad Program” section
of the UCSD General Catalog. Interested students should contact the Programs
Abroad Office in the International Center and visit its Web site at
Financial aid can be used for EAP/OAP study, and special study-abroad scholarships
are also available.
Graduation Requirements
All major requirements and technical electives except CSE 197,
198, or 199 must be taken for a letter grade. To graduate, a grade-point
average of 2.0 will be required in upper-division courses in the
major, including technical electives. In addition, each student
must satisfy general-education course requirements determined by
the student’s college, as well as major requirements determined
by the department. The five colleges at UCSD require widely different
numbers of general-education courses. Each student should choose
his or her college carefully, considering the special nature of
the college and breadth of education, realizing that some colleges
require considerably more courses than others.
Five-year Bachelor’s—Master’s Program
Undergraduate students in the Department of Computer Science and
Engineering who are enrolled in the B.S. Or B.A. Computer science
or B.S. Computer engineering degree programs, and who have a cumulative
GPA of a 3.4 and also a GPA of 3.4 in at least seven core courses,
are eligible to apply for the Five Year Bachelor’s-Master’s
Degree Program. Students must apply one year before graduation.
Acceptance into this program is an honor which carries with it
practical benefits—the
graduate application process is simplified (no GREs required),
and students accepted
into this program can be admitted fall, winter, and spring quarter,
based upon availability of openings in the program. Advanced students
are given access to graduate level courses and have the opportunity
to do graduate level research earlier under the direct supervision
of UCSD’s faculty, and students are able to complete the B.A.,
B.S., and M.S. degree within a five-year time period. Courses
can be used toward either the B.A., B.S., Or M.S. degree, but not
counted toward both degrees. Additional information and applications
can be obtained by contacting the CSE Student Affairs Office, EBU
3B, Room 1238. For an application, visit
The Graduate Program
The graduate program offers master of science and doctor of philosophy
degrees in computer science and computer engineering. To be accepted
into either course of study, a student should have a B.A./B.S.
degree in computer science, computer engineering, or a related
area, or be able to demonstrate an equivalent competency.
The graduate
program is concerned with fundamental aspects of computation.
The computer sciencec specialization is divided
among the following areas:
• Algorithms and complexity
• Artificial intelligence
• Bioinformatics
• Computer architecture and compilers
• Computer graphics and computer vision
• Databases and information management
• Embedded systems and software
• High-performance computing
• Meaning and computation
• Security and cryptography
• Software engineering
• Systems and networking
• VLSI/CAD (computer-aided design)
The computer engineering specialization places
a greater emphasis on hardware and the design of computer systems.
to the graduate program is done through the Office of Graduate
Admissions, Department of CSE. Deadline for application is in
December. Admissions
always effective the following fall quarter. For admission deadline and
requirements, please refer to the departmental Web page:
decisions for the M.S. and Ph.D. programs are made separately.
A current M.S. student who wishes to enter the Ph.D. program
must submit
a petition,
a new statement of purpose and three new letters of recommendation, to
the CSE Admissions Committee.
Computer Science Program
Master of Science Program
The department offers the master of science degree in computer
science. The degree can be pursued under either the Thesis Plan
I or the Comprehensive Examination Plan II. Each plan requires
forty-nine units of work. For full-time students, all the requirements
be completed within two years. Students with an adequate background
in computer science can complete the M.S. program within four
five quarters of full-time study.
Thesis or Comprehensive Exam
There are two plans of study for the master’s degree: Plan
I, in which the student writes a thesis, and Plan II, in which the
student takes a set of comprehensive exams.
Plan I: Thesis Option, No Comprehensive Exam
This plan involves both course work and research, culminating in
the preparation of a thesis. The student must take twelve units
of CSE 298 (Independent Study) to fulfill the research requirement,
and a thesis based on research must be written and subsequently
reviewed by the thesis committee. This committee, which is appointed
by the dean of Graduate Studies and Research, consists of three
faculty members, with at least two members from within the CSE department.
Plan II: Comprehensive Examination, No Thesis
Under this plan, the student must pass a written comprehensive
examination designed to test the student’s knowledge in basic
computer science material. The examination can normally be passed
with a thorough knowledge of topics covered in the undergraduate
and first-year graduate computer science programs. It is offered
every year in the first few weeks of the fall quarter and in the
first few weeks of the spring quarter. Each student is allowed three
attempts to pass the examination. The student must secure at least
a master’s-level pass in the written comprehensive examination.
More information regarding the comprehensive examination can be
found in a separate document provided by the CSE graduate office.
In particular, the written examination is structured around the
three CSE core areas: algorithms and data structures; operating
systems; and computer architecture and digital logic design.
Required Courses
Students entering the M.S. Program in Computer Science will choose
an area of concentration from among fourteen areas. Each concentration
is an area in which the faculty has significant research expertise.
The typical concentration is a collection of three courses which
are designed to give the student in-depth training in the chosen
field. Additionally, to ensure breadth, all students are required
to take four core courses.
Core courses must be completed with an average grade of B and no
grade below B–. The four core courses required of all students
are as follows:
CSE 202. Algorithms Design and Analysis
CSE 221. Operating Systems
CSE 240A. Principles of Computer Architecture
CSE 292. Faculty Research Seminar
The department expects to offer concentrations in the following
Artificial Intelligence
Communication Networks
Computer Architecture and Compilers
Computer Graphics and Vision
Cryptography and Security
Design Automation for Microelectronic Designs
Distributed and Fault-Tolerant Computing
Embedded Systems and Software
Multimedia Systems
Parallel and Scientific Computing
Software Engineering
Storage Systems
Ph.D. Preparation
The specific courses involved in each of the concentrations are
detailed in a separate bulletin which is available in the Graduate
Student Affairs Office, EBU 3B 1234 or on the Web at
Students electing Plan II are required to execute a project with
an adviser while enrolled in four units of CSE 293.
In addition to completing the required core courses and fulfilling
either the thesis or comprehensive examination requirements described
above, the student must also complete additional approved courses
to bring the total number of units to forty-nine. The number of
units of electives depends upon whether the student chooses Plan
I or Plan II. The electives consist of other CSE graduate courses
or courses from a list of approved electives. Units obtained in
the courses CSE 293, 298, 299, 500, 501, 599, and any of the seminar
courses CSE 209, 229, 259, 269, 290, and 294 do not count toward
the elective requirement.
Computer Engineering Program
Computer engineering, jointly administered between the CSE and
ECE departments, offers the master of science and doctoral degrees
with the degree title computer science and engineering (computer
engineering). Computer engineering explores the engineering analysis
and design aspects of algorithms and technology. Specific research
areas include computer systems, signal processing systems, architecture,
networks, computer-aided design, fault tolerance, and data storage
Master of Science Program
The degree can be pursued under either the Thesis Plan I or the
Comprehensive Examination Plan II. Each plan requires forty-nine
units of work. For full-time students, all the requirements must
be completed within two years. Students with an adequate background
in computer engineering can complete the M.S. program within four
to five quarters of full-time study.
Plan I: Thesis Option, No Comprehensive Exam
This plan of study involves both course work and research, culminating
in the preparation of a thesis. A total of forty-nine units of credit
is required, as follows:
Core Courses
The following core courses must be completed with an average grade
of B and no grade below B–:
Three Software Courses:
CSE 202
CSE 221
CSE 231
Three Hardware Courses:
CSE 240A
ECE 260A
CSE 243A or CSE 244A or CSE 244B or ECE 251A
Two Analysis Courses:
CSE 200 or CSE 201A
CSE 222A or ECE 257A
CSE 292
Students must elect at least four technical units among graduate
courses within the Departments of AMES, CSE, ECE, Mathematics, and
Twelve units of CSE 298 must be taken with a faculty member in
CSE or ECE who agrees to act as adviser for the thesis to fulfill
the research requirement.
A thesis based on research must be written and subsequently reviewed
by a committee, consisting of three faculty members, with at least
two members from within the CSE department. The committee is appointed
by the dean of Graduate Studies.
Plan II: Comprehensive Examination, No Thesis
In order to receive the M.S. degree in computer engineering under
this plan, a student must complete the course requirements listed
below and pass a written comprehensive examination.
The written examination is structured around the following three
CSE core areas: algorithms and data structures; operating systems;
and computer architecture and digital logic design.
Core Courses
Three Software Courses:
CSE 202
CSE 221
CSE 231
Three Hardware Courses:
CSE 240A
ECE 260A
CSE 243A or CSE 244A or CSE 244B or ECE 251A
Two Analysis Courses:
CSE 200 or CSE 201A
CSE 222A or CSE 257A
CSE 292
Students must elect at least twelve technical units among graduate
courses within the Departments of MAE, CSE, ECE, Mathematics, and
Four units of CSE 293.
Comprehensive Examination
The comprehensive examination is designed to test the student’s
knowledge in basic computer science and engineering material. The
examination can normally be passed with a thorough knowledge of
topics covered in the undergraduate and the first-year graduate
computer science or computer engineering programs.
It is offered every year in the first few weeks of the fall quarter
and in the first few weeks of the spring quarter. If fewer than
seven people sign up, then the department may cancel the examination
in the spring quarter. Each student is allowed three attempts to
pass the examination. The student must secure at least a master’s-level
pass in the written comprehensive examination.
This examination is the same for both the computer science and
the computer engineering graduate programs. More information about
the comprehensive examination can be obtained in a separate document
from the CSE graduate office.
Doctoral Programs
Ph.D. Degree Programs in Computer Science and Computer Engineering
CSE offers doctor of philosophy degrees in computer science and
in computer engineering, providing a research-oriented education
in preparation for a research, industrial, or entrepreneurial career.
These programs explore both the fundamental aspects and application
of computation, spanning theory, software, hardware, and applications.
Our particular areas of research expertise include:
- algorithms
- artificial intelligence
- bioinformatics
- complexity theory
- computer architecture/compilers
- VLSI/CAD and embedded systems
- databases and information management
- distributed systems and networking
- graphics and vision
- high performance computing
- mobile computing
- security and cryptography
- software engineering
We consider command of the materials covered in the following courses
to be an adequate background for the Ph.D. Program The competency
requirement is intended to ensure that Ph.D. Students already have
or acquire this undergraduate background. Students, who do not have
this background at the time of entry, may be asked to either enroll
in the following undergraduate class or to study it independently
and demonstrate their knowledge by obtaining a B+ or better in the
class or in the final exam.
CSE 101 (Algorithms)
CSE 105 (Theory of Computation)
CSE 120 (Principles of Computer Operating Systems)
Two of the following three courses:
CSE 130, 131A-B (Programming Languages/Compilers)
CSE 141 (Introduction to Computer Architecture)
The course requirement is intended to ensure that students are
exposed to fundamental concepts and tools (core requirement), a
deep up-to-date view of their research area (depth requirement),
and advanced, up-to-date view of the some topics outside their area
(breadth requirement). Ph.D. Students are expected to complete the
core, depth, and breadth requirements in the first two years of
the program. All required coursework must be taken for a letter
grade except for CSE 291 (Topics in CSE), CSE 292 (Faculty Research
Seminar), CSE 299 (Research), and CSE 500 or CSE 501 (Teaching Assistantship)
for which only S/U grades are allowed.
Units obtained from a single course cannot count more than once
towards satisfying the requirement in each of the core, depth, breadth,
and elective areas. Ph.D. Students who have taken similar courses
elsewhere may petition for a waiver of the required courses or for
substitution by alternative courses.
Core Requirements
The core requirements ensure that the Ph.D. Students share knowledge
of fundamental concepts and tools. Each Ph.D. student must take
these courses for letter grade and maintain an overall core course
GPA of 3.4 with no grade lower than a B- (except for CSE 292, for
which a letter grade is not assigned). A student will typically
complete all the core courses within the first year of graduate
study, and must complete all core courses within two years of entry.
CSE 202 (Algorithms)
CSE 221 (Operating Systems)
CSE 240A (Architecture)
CSE 200 (Complexity) for Computer Science
or CSE 241A (Introduction to Computing Circuitry) for Computer
CSE 292 (Faculty Research Seminar)
Depth Requirements
The depth requirement ensures that a Ph.D. Student has, early on
in his or her career, acquired some depth of knowledge in a general
research area. Each Ph.D. Student must select one of the following
areas as his or her major area. The student must take three courses
(12 units) from this major area. The student must take these courses
for letter grade and maintain an overall depth course GPA of 3.4
with no grade lower than B- in these courses. One of these three
courses can be Topics in CSE (CSE 291) or Independent Study (CSE
299), which are not taken for a letter grade. The department will
maintain a list of appropriate courses for each major area.
The major areas are:
Theoretical Computer Science
Programming Languages, Compilers, and Software Engineering
Computer Systems
Database Systems
Computer Engineering
Artificial Intelligence
Graphics and Vision
Breadth Requirements
Research in computer science and engineering is increasingly interdisciplinary,
and acquiring a broader view of the field in general is important.
Each Ph.D. Student must take three courses (12 units) from at least
two other areas different from the major area. Any course that
is listed in a student's depth area cannot be used to fulfill
the breadth requirement, even if it is cross-listed in another
area. Courses must be taken for letter grade and students must
maintain an overall
course GPA of 3.0 with no grade lower than B- in these courses.
Units obtained
in CSE 209 series, 229 series, 239 series, 249 series, 259 series,
269 series, 279 series, 289 series, 290, 292, 293, 294, 298, 291,
299, 500, 501, and 599 do not count toward the breadth requirement.
In addition to the above required course work, each student is
expected to take two additional courses (8 units). Students must
obtain no grade lower than C- in these courses. Undergraduate upper-division
courses, CSE 291, and CSE 299 may fulfill this requirement. Units
obtained in CSE 209 series, 229 series, 239 series, 249 series,
259 series, 269 series, 279 series, 289 series, 290, 292, 293, 294,
298, 500, 501, and 599 do not count toward the elective requirement.
The research exam is intended to verify three components of the
student’s preparation for Ph.D. research: (1) breadth of comprehension
sufficient to enable computer science research in areas beyond the
topic(s) of the research exam and thesis; (2) ability to perform
critical study, analysis, and writing in a focused area; and (3)
research experience.
The research exam has both an oral part and a written part. The
oral part of the research exam is distinct from, and cannot be combined
with the University Qualifying Exam. Grading criteria for each part,
and standards for passing, are available from the CSE department
graduate office.
The research exam is conducted by a committee of three faculty
members approved by the Graduate Committee and the chair of the
department. At least two committee members must be CSE senate faculty,
and the student’s adviser must be a member of the committee.
The normative time for passing the research exam is by the end of
the second year of study; the exam must be passed by the end of
the third year if the student is to continue in the Ph.D. Program
Passing the research exam enables a Ph.D. Student to receive the
M.S. degree. Ph.D. Students who do not pass the exam after two attempts
will be given the opportunity to write a thesis in order to receive
a terminal M.S. degree. The M.S. degree is only granted to those
students who do not already hold an M.S. degree prior to entering
the CSE department at UCSD.
All students enrolled in the Ph.D. Program must have one quarter
of training as a teaching assistant. This is a formal degree requirement
and must be completed before the student is permitted to graduate.
The requirement is met by serving as a 50 percent teaching assistant
and taking either CSE 500 or CSE 501(Teaching Assistantship).
The qualifying examination is a requirement for advancement to
candidacy. Prior to taking the qualifying examination a student
must have satisfied the departmental competency, course, and research
exam requirements and must have been accepted by a CSE faculty member
as a Ph.D. thesis candidate. All doctoral students are expected
to advance to candidacy by the end of their third year, and advancement
is mandatory by the end of the fourth year. The examination is administered
by a doctoral committee appointed by the dean of Graduate Studies
and Research and consists of faculty from CSE and other departments.
More information on the composition of the committee can be obtained
from the CSE graduate office. The examination is taken after the
student and his or her adviser have identified a topic for the dissertation
and an initial demonstration of feasible progress has been made.
The candidate is expected to describe his or her accomplishments
to date as well as future work.
The dissertation defense is the final Ph.D. examination. A candidate
for the Ph.D. is expected to write a dissertation and defend it
in an oral examination conducted by the doctoral committee.
Students must be advanced to candidacy by the end of four years.
Total university support cannot exceed seven years. Total registered
time at UCSD cannot exceed eight years.
Financial support is available to qualified graduate students
in the form of fellowships, loans, and assistantships. Anticipated
stipends for half-time research assistantships are $1,963 per month,
with the possibility of full-time employment during the summer
For a half-time teaching assistantship, the anticipated stipend
will be $1,675 per month. Requests for application forms for
and financial support should be directed to the Department of Computer
Science and Engineering.
Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)